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关键之处在于多样性。Variety is key here.

食物多样性很重要The variety is important.

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一种含铁的黑色尖晶石。A black variety of garnet.

他的文体缺乏变化。His writing lacks variety.

很多都是真人真事。They have so much variety.

新品种口感很甜。This new variety is sweet.

使用该品种鸡。This variety uses chicken.

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铁有多种用处。Iron has a variety of uses.

她的兴趣种类不多。Her interest lacked variety.

我喜欢规律还是有变化的工作?Do I like routine or variety?

中国山核桃的一个新变种——大别山山核桃。A new variety of Carya in China.

白边紫菀的一种变体。A variety of white-topped aster.

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我常进食各式各样的食物。I always eat a variety of foods.

蛋白质的选择要多样,比如,一周吃两次海产品,还有豆类,小块的精肉猪肉eating a variety of protein foods

千屈莱科的一种草本植物。A variety of the loosestrife herb.

天南星科菖蒲属一新变种。A new variety of Acorus of Araceae.

这块翡翠是豆绿种。This jadeite is Bean Green variety.

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乔想做综艺节目的主持人。Joe wants to be a variety show host.

共同进化就是多种形式的学习。Coevolution is a variety of learning.

在学校大厅举办文艺晚会。Held in the school hall variety show.