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吃得过饱的人对食物不再有食欲。No food can tempt one filled to satiety.

汤姆在大宴上吃得不能再吃了。Tom was filled to satiety by the big dinner.

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催乳素产生高潮后的满足感。Prolactin produces a sense of satiety after orgasm.

饱食和慷慨是否有联系?Might there be a link between satiety and generosity?

唯一可能的满足是呆在你的真我中。The only possibility of satiety is to remain in your Self.

吃饱的信号明显地需要时间做出反应。"Satiety signals clearly need time to develop, " Melanson said.

非节食者则较留意他们的饱足感或满足感。Non-dieters pay more attention to their level of satiety , or fullness.

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脂类也会产生饱腹感,注意摄入来自橄榄油之类的健康脂类。Including fat from healthy sources like olive oil also helps with satiety.

多巴胺系统永远不会得到满足"。"The dopamine system does not have satiety built into it," Berridge explains.

昨天是饿,今天是饱,明天将是胀。Yesterday it was appetite, to-day it is plenitude, to-morrow it will be satiety.

研究人员指出,除了人体内部的变化外,这些感官提示会引起饱足感。Researchers say these sensory clues, in addition to internal body changes, signal satiety.

保持饱腹感高的饮食可以让你觉得饱饱的,这样你就不会去吃垃圾食品或者零食。Maintaining a high satiety diet can help you to feel full and avoid eating junk food and snacking.

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它通过改变血清素和去甲肾上腺素——两种帮助调节饱腹感的化学物质——的水平来实现这一点。It works by altering levels of serotonin and norepinephrine, two chemicals that help regulate satiety.

蛋白质不单止帮助我们维护和生成肌肉,它还对我们是否感到饱足或丰满度有作用。Not only does protein help us to maintain and build muscle, it also contributes to satiety or fullness.

杏仁中的脂肪和纤维还有助于使人产生饱腹感,从而避免无意识地过多摄入。The fat and fiber in almonds also contribute a feeling of satiety that helps prevent mindless snacking.

默默记在心里,学习而不厌倦,教导别人而不疲倦。To treasure up knowledge in silence, to learn without satiety and to instruct others without tiredness.

结果显示出在海鲡水槽饲养实验中,水面下的觅食活动是显示其饱食状态的较佳指标。It is also concluded that subsurface-feeding activities is a better indicator of satiety in cobia culture.

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反过来,这些化学物质影响饥饿,饱食和刺激进食高脂食物的欲望。In turn, these chemicals affect hunger and satiety and ramp up your appetite for even more fat-laden foods.

由于有人不提倡吃土豆泥和烤土豆,用水煮着吃便能享受到一顿饱腹又不易胖的美餐。As opposed to eating mashed or baked potatoes, try boiling them to get the benefits of a high satiety meals.

同时,原来的工字钢支护体系也不能满足支护要求,必须寻找新的支护体系。The last I-steal support pattern is not satiety the demand of supports and must search out a new support pattern.