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月经迟来了是怎么了?Is menstruation came behindhand how?

月经迟来是什么原因?。What reason is menstruation comes behindhand ?

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月经迟来一个月真的正常吗?Does menstruation come behindhand is a month normal really?

最近老流鼻血。而且月经迟来。Often shed nosebleed recently. And menstruation comes behindhand.

因而,改变国内的落后现状和解决两大问题刻不容缓。So we should change the behindhand situation and resolve the two main problems as soon as possible.

“德主刑辅”是中国古代法文化落后的结果。Morality-primary, punishment-secondary" is a result from the behindhand law-culture in ancient China."

女性月经迟来5.6天了。还不来月经。这样有怀孕的危险吗。?。Female menstruation comes 5.6 days behindhand . Still do not come menstruation. Have pregnant risk so. ?

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旨在为经济落后地区地方化的低造价环境艺术空间建设方面提供一些可行的思路。The aim is to provided some feasibility idea of low cost environment space art for economy behindhand region.

东北经济目前面临着诸多问题,但其根本原因是产业技术落后。There are so many economical problems in the Northeast of China, which dues to the behindhand industrial technology.

我国贫困地区固有的、恶劣复杂的自然条件是导致其贫困的前提,落后的传统观念则使其无法走出贫困。The reasons that China's poverty area is poor include the bad natural conditions, the dated and behindhand conception.

由于燃煤设备和燃烧技术相对落后,因而带来了燃烧效率不高和环境污染严重两大问题。Low combustion efficiency and serious pollution problems come with the behindhand facilities and technology of coal combustion.

若逢阴天,花朵会迟至夜间才凋,有时甚至第二天早晨方谢。If meet cloudy day, flower can come behindhand nightly ability wither, just wither in the morning the following day even sometimes.

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技术上的问题表现为踏板准确性不高、落地技术较差以及腾空技术落后。That the performance on the footplate is bad, bad technique for landing and that behindhand flight part are all technical problems.

白天病人休息较多,尽管夜里迟睡早醒,但是,总的睡眠时间仍与正常人差不多。The patient rests by day more, although sleep to wake early behindhand in night, but, totalMorpheusTime still as about the same as normal person.

这种落后的文化结构,不仅无法适应市场经济行情的不断变化,也严重影响了农村产业结构调整。This behindhand case not only do not adapt constant changing of market economy but also will restrict regulation country industrial configuration heavily.

落后的物流管理和产品状态监控模式已经成为制约军工企业发展的瓶颈。The behindhand mode of logistics management and products monitoring has come to be the encumbrance to slow down the development of the military enterprises.

迟发性或不完全性面瘫,应积极保守治疗,但发生神经变性时应立即手术治疗。Send a gender behindhand or not completeness face paralysis, answer to guard cure actively, but when producing nerve denaturation, answer instantly operation cure.

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尽管龙号机车和唐胥铁路比世界上最早建成的机车和铁路晚了半个世纪的时间,但它的起步标准并不落后。Although the Dragon locomotive and Tangxu railway is later than the earliest locomotive and railway in the world by half century, its starting point is not behindhand.

目前国内大多数图书馆面临经费不足,管理孤立落后,效益差等问题。Currently, the domestic majority libraries were confronted with problems such as the shortage of funds, the isolated and behindhand management, and the inferior benefit.

由于落后的经济自然条件限制,如何妥善解决关于水资源短缺,水质安全保障和不发达的交通问题都是当务之急。Due to the behindhand economic and natural limit, all the problems about water shortage, water quality safety and non-convenient transportation need be settled immediately.