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你与我共享双重欢乐。With double joy wert thou with me.

为何来到世上,你这玫瑰的劲敌!Why thou wert there, O rival of the rose!

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为什么你没有在雅茅斯港外的锚地中淹死?Why wert thou not drown'd in Yarmouth Roads?

结局近了,而你将忧虑不安。The end draweth near, and thou wert about to be disturbed.

失去你,打不开伞,心都是湿的。Lose you , dozen not to an umbrella , the heart is all wert.

巴不得你像我的兄弟,像吃我母亲奶的兄弟。O that thou wert as my brother, that sucked the breasts of my mother!

“德维尔特”号驱逐舰在救援行动期间停靠在“蒙特克里斯托”号旁边。The USS De Wert sits alongside the Montecristo during the rescue operation

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但如果人们不允许你,那么就放弃生命吧,并仍表现得仿佛你没有受到任何伤害。But if men do not permit thee, then get away out of life, yet so as if thou wert suffering no harm.

当我和你玩耍时,我从没问过你是谁。我不知羞怯与惧怕,我的生活是喧腾的。When my play was with thee I never questioned who thou wert . I knew nor shyness nor far, my life was boisterous.

当我是同你做游戏的时候,我从来没有问过你是谁.我不懂得羞怯和惧怕,我的生活是热闹的.When my play was with thee I never questioned who thou wert. I knew nor shyness nor fear, my life was boisterous.

这艘货船通过英国皇家海军和“德维尔特”号驱逐舰展开的联合行动得救。The vessel was freed in a joint operation carried out by Royal Marines from the RFA Fort Victoria and the USS De Wert.

国王见小公主这个样子,就生气地对她说,“在我们困难的时候帮助过我们的人,不论他是谁,过后都不应当受到鄙视。”But the King grew angry and said, "He who helped thee when thou wert in trouble ought not afterwards to be despised by thee."

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温特并没有请律师辩护,也没有对法官的判决表示异议,但他一直重申自己深爱着阿尔玛。Wert didn't hire a lawyer and didn't contest the annulment, although he reaffirmed his love for her during court proceedings.

亲爱的孩子,我告诉你,你要打开心扉接受神所赐的苦药,这比仅有情感和虔诚,对你更为有益。I tell thee, dear child, open thy heart to the pain, and it will do thee more good than if thou wert full of feeling and devoutness.

亲爱的孩子,我告诉你,你要打开心扉接受上帝所赐的苦药,这比仅有情感和虔诚,对你更为有益。I tell thee, dear child, open thy heart to the pain, and it will do thee more good than if thou wert full of feeling and devoutness.

亲爱的孩子,我告诉你,你要打开心扉接受神所赐的苦药,这比仅有情感和虔诚,对你更为有益。I tell thee, dear child, open thy heart to the pain, and it will do thee more good than if thou wert full of feeling and devoutness. --Tauler.

在知识降临你之后,如果你顺从他们的私欲,那末,你绝无任何保护者或援助者,以反抗真主。Wert thou to follow their desires after the knowledge which hath reached thee, then wouldst thou find neither Protector nor helper against Allah.

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进一步追根溯源,我们可以发现单词扎根于一个印欧语词wert,意为“转向”,随后就发展出一种“某事会变得如何”的意思。Going further back, the word root is thought to come from an Indo-European word wert meaning “to turn, ” which in this case evolved into a sense of how something will turn out.