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没有人赶得上他在事业上的成就。This bird cannot be paralleled for beauty.

你船的航迹和参照线平行。Your track is paralleled with reference line.

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糖尿病发病率的上升是与液体奶摄入量的增加并行的。This rise has been paralleled by an increase in fluid milk intake.

菊粉酶活性平行地随菌体生长而增加。The inulinase activity increased paralleled by the mycelium growth.

华为的成长可以媲美其他急剧发展的中国公司。Huawei's growth paralleled the herky-jerky rise of many Chinese firms.

本文介绍一种新的并行化第一原理分子动力学程序。A new paralleled first-principle program has been introduced in this paper.

门脉流量与食管静脉曲张严重程度相一致,并与曲张出血有关。The amount of portal blood flow paralleled the severity of esophageal varix.

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观看时,我强烈震撼了,主人公的经历与尼姆的经历何其相似。Watching it, I was struck by how much the protagonist's story paralleled Nim's.

机组成员绘制出从Jalalabad到Abbottabad航线的相似路线。Aircrews plotted out a path that paralleled the flight from Jalalabad to Abbottabad.

其他和兰德公司类似的研究也关注这些战争的精神代价。Other studies have paralleled RAND's in spotlighting the psychic toll of these wars.

女性的BUA水平和年龄呈平行变化,尤其是从50岁往后。BUA increased paralleled with aging particular from the age 50 yrs in female patients.

同时,二十多个其他国家饥饿的人们举行了与海地的类似的抗议活动。Haiti paralleled similar protests by hungry people in more than twenty other countries.

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对古罗马样式的回归“与基督教的衰退如影随形”。The return to the ways of ancient Rome “has closely paralleled the decline of Christianity”.

苹果公司的崛起和全球制造市场的变革是同步的。Apple’s rise to power in our time directly paralleled the transformation of global manufacturing.

在1800年的时候,特伦特河畔斯托克的六个小镇与中国并驾齐驱成为世界陶瓷产品的中心。By 1800 the six towns of Stoke-on-Trent paralleled China as a world centre for ceramic production.

研究了考虑检测周期的两同型部件并联的可修系统。This paper considers a two identical components paralleled repairable system with inspection cycle.

近十年来,贸易量的扩大与跨国银行业的增长相差无几。The expansion of trade in recent decades has been paralleled by the growth of multinational banking.

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织物流变模型由标准线性固体模型和一个摩擦元件并联组成。A model had been constructed by a standard linear solid element and a paralleled frictional sliding element.

提出了一种针对交直流并联输电系统的非线性变结构控制方法。This paper brings forward a nonlinear variable structure controller for the system of AC paralleled with DC.

原因是有人从根本上反对搞情极活动,就象有人反对技术发明一样。The reason was a basic antagonism to intelligence that paralleled the opposition to any technical innovation.