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因为在很多方面,这听上去像神秘主义。Because in many ways, this sounds like mysticism.

香烛的烟雾增加了这里的神秘氛围。The smoke only adds to the mysticism of the place.

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它是现今被认为是神秘学的科学。It is science that is right now thought to be mysticism.

而梅特林克的信徒们却在神秘主义的旗帜之下聚合了起来。Maeterlinck's followers rallied around the standard of mysticism.

这个女孩发现了神秘主义。The girl discovered mysticism. "She was hung on the Jesus Prayer."

上面这则短小的杰作充分说明了神秘主义的荒谬性。The above small masterpiece amply illustrates the absurdity of mysticism.

第五章论述了神秘色彩在韩少功小说中的意义。Chapter five dissertates the meaning of mysticism in Han Shaogong's novels.

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这是一种真正虔诚的感觉,与神秘主义无关。This is a genuinely religious feeling that has nothing to do with mysticism.

你将倾向于神秘主义,并表现出对密教理想的兴趣。You will be inclined toward mysticism and show an interest for esoteric ideas.

实践美学需要对这些美学神秘主义观点进行祛魅。It is necessary to disenchant this mysticism aesthetics of practical aesthetics.

道家的神秘主义和养生思想所形成的得道成仙思想成为核心信仰。Taoist mysticism and health care thought immortal idea formed the core of faith.

韩少功便是运用神秘主义写法创造出新颖的审美形态的作家之一。Han Shaogong is among the writers who apply mysticism to create novel aesthetic forms.

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出人意料的是,科学和神秘论携手合作,相互促进。In unexpected ways, science and mysticism are joining hands and reinforcing each other.

仰韶文化陶器上蒙面人纹饰表达的应当是一种神秘主义的主题。The veiled man engraved on stoneware of Yangshao Culture expressed mysticism as a theme.

尽管是见神论和人智学,亚特兰蒂斯的概念也进入纳粹神秘主义。Through theosophy and anthroposophy the concept of atlantis also entered nazi mysticism.

马克·吐温作品中提到她的地方大多模糊不清,蒙着一层神秘的面纱。Mark Twain’s references to her are, for the most part, cryptic and tinged with mysticism.

这些诗歌的显著特点,便是神秘与想象。Mysticism and demonism with strong imagination are the distinctive features of this group.

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徐的美学思想及文学创作有着明显的神秘主义倾向。There were obvious tendency of mysticism in Xu Yus aesthetic thinking and literary creation.

在发展过程中它始终摇摆于“神秘主义”与“教会传统”之间。During its development, it vacillated between the "mysticism" and "church tradition" all along.

自然神秘观在中西方诗歌文化发展中曾产生过重大影响。Natural mysticism once exerted an important influence on both the Chinese and the Western poems.