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其它的小家具来自宜家。The light fixture is from Ikea.

现在,这首曲子已经成为西方舞会和婚礼的一个必备曲目了。This is a fixture at proms and weddings.

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有焊接夹具的调整经验。With welding fixture adjustment experience.

新的壁炉的固定物被固定在墙上。A new fireplace fixture was fixed in the wall.

广州唯利安西厨设备制造有限公司!Guangzhou Wai Laan Kitchen Fixture Make Co. , Ltd.

过度频密的赛程开始在各地成为一个问题。Fixture congestion is becoming a problem all round.

如果成功,它们将成为永久性设施。来源环球网。If successful, they could become a permanent fixture.

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在如此一场被历史所萦绕的比赛中,出现了一个鬼魅般的进球。In a fixture haunted by history there was a ghost goal.

科特迪瓦将在周二迎战下一个对手利比亚。The Ivorians' next fixture is against Libya on Tuesday.

史斯密教授似乎在这所大学是个固定工作者。Professor Smith seems to be a fixture in the university.

无绳电热水壶现在可能是多数厨房的固定设备。The cordless kettle may now be a fixture in most kitchens.

南茜茜自学生时代便是梅茨棒球队的铁杆球迷。Nancy Seaver was a fixture at Mets Games in her school days.

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工件与夹具装炉前应充分烘干。The workpiece and fixture should be fully dry before loading.

艾莉森已经成为他生活中的老面孔了。Alison was already becoming too much of a fixture in his life.

负责工装夹具的设计和制造。Manage tooling and fixture design including its manufacturing.

在当时,博诺已成为华盛顿政治活动中的常客,而且成为了一个一流政客,其中部分原因是他使人惊讶的本领。By then Bono had become a fixture in Washington political life.

比赛最初是定在普伦敦公园球场举行的。The fixture was originally due to be contested at Prenton Park.

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如果没有任何漏水,就可以清洗你的新水龙头了。If there aren’t any leaks, wash up with your new faucet fixture.

治具底板为可掀式设计,容易保养。Fixture bottom plate can be slopping -lifted for easy maintenance.

对于每个新的单元测试,框架创建一个新的测试装备。For every new unit test, the framework creates a new test fixture.