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新的方言关系的描写。Description of a new dialectal relationship.

本文是一篇研究灌阳话持续体标记的方言语法论文。This is a thesis of Guanyang dialectal grammar on the marker of continuous aspect.

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本文提出了利用语音转换实现兰州方言语音的生成方法。This dissertation proposed Lanzhou dialectal speech generation methods based on speech conversion.

电视方言节目在一些地方台的热播正是对小众化传播的一种响应。The dialectal programs which are well accepted in local TV stations are a kind of response to such trends.

本文从语用的角度,着重考察现代汉语动词“搞”的使用频率、词汇意义和方言情况。Through the angle of pragmatics, this article focuses on its using frequency, semantic meanings, and dialectal features.

不同方言区的人,用什么节律来丰富表达手段,必然要带有地域特征,这就是方言语调。The rhythm used by people in different dialect areas inevitably have its regional features, that is, dialectal intonation.

较之普通话新闻,方言新闻节目正是因为方言语言的可听性优势,才能一直保持当地最高收视率。Because of its advantages in audibility, the local people prefer watching the dialectal news to watching the mandarin news.

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考察方言的差异对于不同方言区之间的文化认同具有重要意义。Investigation of the dialectal differences is significant to identify cultural correlation among different dialect regions.

熟语是方言的重要组成部分,从一定层面体现了方言修辞的审美艺术。Idiomatic phrase is an important component of a dialect and reflects aesthetic art of dialectal rhetoric at a certain degree.

闽语的比较研究要达到一个理想的境地,周边闽语的语料显然是不能忽视的。So for the ideal comparative study of Min dialects, it is very important to make use of the dialectal data surrounding Fujian.

扬州评话要继续发展必须变革语音,很多方言文艺也都是如此。Therefore, Yangzhou Pinghua should transform its accents to make further developments, and so should many other dialectal arts.

南京方言是江淮方言洪巢片的代表点之一,前人多有研究。Nanjing dialect, as a representative dialect in Hongchao dialectal area of Jianghuai dialect, has been studied by many researchers.

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自建团起就招收排练有特色的海南话曲目,并聘请专业音乐人改编和做了多首新的合唱曲目。It has set about the rehearsing of Hainan dialectal songs and has hired professional musicians to adapt and compose many new repertoires.

方言中带宾语的反复问句具有方言类型学上的意义,但边缘方言的情况却是比较复杂的。The-VP-neg-VP sentence which concerns with object has dialectal typologys meaning, but the peripheral dialects condition is very complex.

本文研究方言口音普通话语音自动切分算法,主要服务于方言口音普通话语音库建设。This paper concentrates on robust automatic speech segmentation of dialectal speech, which is essential for building dialectal speech corpus.

这种多方言现象反映了在当代中文电影中存在多种文化身份和主体性。These multi- dialectal phenomena reflect that there are diverse cultural identities and subjectivities in contemporary Chinese-language films.

每日,这里过往着用方言吆喝的小商贩、安伫着下棋遛鸟的老伯伯。Daily, associate with is worn here the small small retailer that uses dialectal call, An Zhu is worn the granddad of bird of play chess stroll.

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仙居方言熟语在语言风格上表现出一股山野气息,与早期的越文化特征一脉相承。From language characteristics, Xianju dialectal idioms are embodied characteristics of bold and unconstrained which is the same as Yue culture.

娄底方言中的副词与普通话比较,在表义和句法功能上有一定的差异,很有方言特色。Compared with Putonghua , Loudi Dialect carries some semantic and syntactic differences , which have formed the specific dialectal characteristics.

普及普通话教育,消除方言隔阂,这是普教阶段应由中小学完成的基本教育任务。Popularizing mandarin teaching and deleting dialectal differences is the basic teaching work which must be done in the primary and the Middle school.