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这种脆弱性将妨碍互联网经济的发展。This vulnerability could stymie the Internet economy.

管制者或许会对实时竞价系统的发展进行阻挠。Regulators may yet stymie the growth of real-time bidding.

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我们必须避免穿上窒息探求精神的学术紧身衣。We must avoid intellectual strait-jackets that stymie a spirit of inquiry.

通常情况下,这种用来密封的粘液是由雄性分泌的,这样就可以阻碍其他追求者交配。Normally such plugs are secreted by the male, to stymie subsequent suitors.

但是,如果此项交易当真威胁到安卓开放的生态系统的话,它就有可能妨碍后者的成长。But if this deal does threaten Android's open ecosystem, it could stymie its growth.

该报告说,这些矛盾妨碍了实现重要的环境目标的工作。Those inconsistencies, the report says, stymie attainment of crucial environmental objectives.

中国钢铁生产商反驳说,美国钢铁业正试图阻碍合法的竞争。Chinese steelmakers countered that the U.S. industry was trying to stymie legitimate competition.

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在这种情况下乔纳森总统自己的政治抱负可能阻碍他在本届任期内那些值得称赞的政策。In that case, Mr Jonathan’s own ambition could stymie his commendable aims for the rest of this term of office.

为了防止呆账坏账发生并预防通胀,中国银行的存款准备金比率上升了三倍多。To combat bad loans and hopefully stymie inflation, reserve requirement have been raised three times for Chinese banks.

我文学作品中那些残忍而严酷的成分,往往阻断了人们对乡下生活的浪漫情感。The cruel and harsh elements in my literary works often stymie the romantic feelings people have for rural life.I can't help that.

然而,他声称自己无法改变领导的意愿,而该政权所沾染的血腥也不曾沾到他的手。However, he claims that he was powerless to stymie the will of the leader he served, and that none of the blood on the regime's hands was also on his.

社会不齿同性恋与双性恋也妨碍公共卫生行动,让病毒得以在该区域的许多地方快速散播。Social stigmas attached to homosexuality and bisexuality stymie public health efforts and allow the virus to spread rapidly in many parts of the region.

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然而,有人批评日本文化上的症结阻碍了日本在面对核灾难时反应的及时性,也使日本经济陷入长期的不振。Still, critics say there are very real cultural barriers that stymie Japan's emergency response to the nuclear disaster, and in its long economic malaise.

也许政府的监管和执行力差会阻碍Android在中国的发展,但这个平台的优势十分明显。While overbearing government regulations and poor execution might still stymie the growth of Android in China, the implications of the platform’s dominance are clear.

竞争甚至非常激烈,为了抢先,一些团队通过泰国和香港的服务器获得资源,以此避免网速缓慢所造成的“美-中”路径下载的卡壳。Competition can be fierce. To get ahead, some teams route content through servers in Thailand and Hong Kong to circumvent slow speeds that can stymie downloads between the United States and China.