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制度化性别歧视在日本遭遇了失败。Japan shows the failings of institutionalised sexism.

除了“性别歧视”和“种族歧视”外,现在还应再加一条“相貌歧视”。We should add the bias of "lookism" to sexism and racism.

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性别歧视的费用已经围绕偏头痛徘徊了好几年了。Charges of sexism have hovered around migraines for years.

这一永无休止的问题是,如此差距是否仅仅因为性别。The eternal question is whether this is just about sexism.

人们不难明白疯了决策的性别歧视现象,在这里的行动。It is not hard to recognise crazy-making sexism in action here.

当然了,现在仍残留着“疯狂男人”时代男性至上主义的渣滓。There are also, of course, still remnants of “Mad Men”-era sexism.

除了“性别歧视”和“种族歧视”外,现在还应再加一条“相貌歧视”。Besides of sexism and racism, now we have to add one kind of "lookism".

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性别歧视在亚洲“大行其道”。这为非大男子主义至上的企业创造了机遇。Sexism is rife in Asia. That creates an opportunity for non-chauvinist firms.

我们的父母见识了,反对种族与性别歧视的道德浪潮。Our parents saw the beginning of that same moral tide turn against racism and sexism.

英语中的性别歧视现象还表现在对女性相关词的语义歧视上。We can also see sexism in English through semantic pejoration of female-related words.

“从网站一开始,任何针对女性的性别歧视和侮辱行为都完全不会出现”。Right from the start, any sexism or abusive behavior towards women simply wasn't an option.

随着时间的推移,性别歧视与两性不平等的增加是直接相关的。Brandt found that sexism was directly associated with increases in gender inequality over time.

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第二章是广义上的性别歧视及其在语言中的定义。Chapter Two is concerned with the definition of sexism in general as well as specifically in languages.

比起对男人不敏感或男性至上主义的指责,她更多指责的是女人自己的不安全感。She blamed them more for their insecurities than she blamed men for their insensitivity or their sexism.

另一些严重对女性健康问题研究的匮乏,就不单单是因为性别歧视了。In other areas where research into women's medical problems is lacking, the issue is not just about sexism.

那些曾经宣称这个女服务生是男权和性别歧视受害者的女权主义者现在陷入了窘境。Angry feminists who claimed the maid was a victim of male sexism and oppression will be rightly embarrassed.

除了“性别歧视”和“种族歧视”外,现在还应再加一条“相貌歧视”。它同样有害,只是我们无需发起一场全国的运动来反对它。We should add the bias of "lookism" to sexism and racism. It's just as bad but we don't need federal program.

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第二章简要地阐述研究语言性别歧视的两种方法,即“决定论”和“功能语言论”。Chapter Two surveys the determinist approach and a functional model proposed to account for sexism in language.

除了“性别歧视”和“种族歧视”外,现在还应再加一条“相貌歧视”。它同样有害,只是我们无需发起一场全国的运动来反对它。We should add the bias of "lookism" to sexism and racism. It's just as bad but we don't need a federal program.

性别歧视作为这其中的一种,是指把男性视作社会规范和中心,轻视,欺侮女性或使她们显得微乎其微。Sexism is a phenomenon that takes a male-as-norm attitude, trivializing, insulting or rendering women invisible.