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这借口对他是种安慰。It was a comfort to him, this extenuation.

律师以被告年龄为由要求减轻其行为过错。Counsel pleaded the accused's age in extenuation of his actions.

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律师以其当事人年少为由请求减轻其罪行。The lawyer pleaded his client's youth in extenuation of the crime.

他们发现,他的婚姻情况也是十分情有可原的。The circumstances of his marriage, too, were found to admit of much extenuation.

倘使像他这样一个人再次堕落的话,还能为减轻罪行作何辩白呢?Were such a man once more to fall what plea could be urged in extenuation of his crime?

倘使象他这样一个人再次堕落的话,还能为减轻罪行作何辩白呢?Were such a man once more to fall, what plea could be urged in extenuation of his crime?

但亚瑟•丁梅斯代尔可不同!倘使象他这样一个人再次堕落的话,还能为减轻罪行作何辩白呢?But arthur dimmesdale! Were such a man once more to fall what plea could be urged in extenuation of his crime?

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但阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔可不同!倘使象他这样一个人再次堕落的话,还能为减轻罪行作何辩白呢?。But Arthur Dimmesdale! Were such a man once more to fall, what plea could be urged in extenuation of his crime?

脂联素可以通过减轻内质网应激来减轻心肌细胞凋亡,对心肌细胞有保护作用。Adiponectin decreases the endoplasmic reticulum stress injury and plays a protective role by extenuation of cadiomyocyte apoptosis.

作者还对案件事实认定的过程、案件事实认定错误、疑罪从轻等方面进行了分析。Author also makes an analysis of the process of the determination of facts of cases, the false determination of facts of cases, the extenuation for a suspected crime, etc.