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你突然又担心起来了?Suddenly , you're solicitous ?

细心和体贴。solicitous and considerate than you.

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他心神不定,祈望她平安归来。He was very solicitous for her safe return.

他们殷勤又热心,对她每一个移动都很小心看护。They were solicitous and intent, watching her every move.

过于谨慎也会有损你的信誉度。Trying to be too solicitous can also undermine your credibility.

我们停了下来,听到了鸭子的一阵亲切叫唤,还有一大群啾啾的鸭鸣,声音十分微弱。We stopped, and heard a solicitous quacking and a great deal of faint squeaking.

没有人能比你更苛求和自私,也没有人比你更关心我帮助我。No one else is more harsh and selfish and least solicitous and considerate than you.

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威廉看起来也显得特别殷勤,全神贯注地看着他的妻子,专注于自己正在做的事情。William seems particularly solicitous and engrossed in looking after his wife, focusing on what he’s doing.

琼花历尽艰辛赶到会场,受到热烈的欢迎和亲切的关怀。Upon her arrival after overcoming all kinds of difficulties, Qionghua is warmly received with solicitous concern.

同时不精确推理的非数值方法也引起了人们的极大关注,如非单调逻辑。Experts in this field are very solicitous of non-numerical methods of inexact reasoning, such as non-monotonic logic.

提高学生“人文关怀”服务意识,并在具体工作中应用“人文关怀”护理方法为病人服务,以符合医院护理服务的需求。And students will offer their human solicitous nursing services to patients thus fitting in with the nursing service needs in hospitals.

不过,好的情侣总是关心他们的爱人是否满足,并确保他们的伴侣同样享受这个过程。But a good lover is always solicitous of their beloved’s pleasure, and ensures their partner takes as much from the boudoir as they do themselves.

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但男人犹豫他们是否真的在叫他,他不想显自己太贪图过路人留宿带来的收入。But the good man doubted whether they had really called him, and was unwilling to show himself too solicitous of gain by inviting people to patronize his house.

消博会的成功举办,得益于其浓厚的文化氛围、良好的经济基础以及举办者的精心打造。The success of CICGF lies in its rich culture atmosphere, solid economic foundation and solicitous services and elaborate arrangements of fair organizers and operators.

有时候,你需要运用更关切的语气和更悠闲的节奏,尤其当教导员工或认真聆听客户的抱怨时。There will be times when you'll need a more solicitous tone and a more leisurely pace, especially when coaching an employee or listening carefully to a customer concern.

并拥有一支训练有素的会议服务队伍,随时为您提供高效专业的会议接待和周到殷情的服务。Moreover, a group of trained serving attendants will offer excellent service and show solicitous hospitality for your effective professional conference reception at any moment.

当今,腐败不仅是世界各国普遍关注的重要社会问题,也是我国改革,稳定和发展的恶性障碍。Currently, it is not only an essential social, economic and solicitous issue all over the world, but also the most malicious obstacle to Chinese reform, stability and development.

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一个改行的推销员、带着恶作剧般自信的芝加哥人——他看起来集关怀和轻蔑于一体——他出演连续剧"瑞秋·雷"和参加IAC的会议身穿同一套西装。A Chicagoan with the mischievous self-assurance of a renegade salesman—he can seem solicitous and scornful at once—he does appearances on "Rachael Ray" and meetings with the suits at I.A.C.