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男人们的前世是蜜蜂。The preexistence of man ia the bee.

在阴阳界双方,我的前世。Across the Yin and Yang of the two circles, my preexistence.

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伊,揽我之怀,除我前世轻浮。Iraq and the bosom embrace me, except I preexistence is frivolous.

她爱上了一个懦弱的男人,只是因为这个男人的前世救过她。She loved a cowardly man, just because the man's preexistence saved her.

“前世”系列,是高风对传统文化的重新理解。"Preexistence" Series is Gao Feng´s re-understanding of traditional culture.

任由,脱离凡俗,去捕捉那前世菩提的花开花落,淡香来去。Let, from the mundane, to capture the preexistence of Bodhi flower, fragrance and.

在前世今生的梦里,寻找残留着爱的回忆。In the preexistence and this life of dreams, looking for remnants of memories of love.

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佛说,前世五百年的回眸,才换作今生的偶遇。Buddha said, glancing back for 500 years in the preexistence could get the meeting today.

佛说,前世的五百次的回眸,才换来今生的擦肩而过。Buddha says, the chance we pass by this life is at the cost of 500 back-glance in preexistence.

我说,我叫鱼。你觉得似曾相识,问我,是前世的约定么?You think we seem to have met before, you asked me if we have an agreement of the preexistence?

保罗似乎在其它地方暗示,他的基督论是耶稣前世就是神。Paul seems to give the idea in other places that he had a Christology that Jesus was preexistence as divine.

高尚的背后往往暗藏玄机。和谐的前身一定鲜血淋漓。Back of the nobleness conceal occult usually. Preexistence of the harmoniously dripping wet life blood to a certainty.

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为防止掉色,可先在污痕处滴几滴清水,将它润湿后再轻轻擦拭。To prevent lose color , but preexistence corrupt mark is in an a few drop clear water, will wipe gently again after its embellish is wet.

在“六道轮回”的佛教理念中,前世仇怨可在今世雪报,而报仇的复仇主体可能转世为某种动物。In the Buddhism idea of six metempsychosis , preexistence hatred was achieved in the secular, while the revenger may change to some animals.

而我对新疆的热爱更多的是一种对异域的梦想,一种触抚历史及寻找前生的情怀。My love for Xinjiang is one kind of fantasizing for surprise land, is one kind of affection that touches the history and looks for my preexistence.

同样的,在清洁、润干后,先在颈部及锁骨处轻拍一层柔肤水?保持肌肤嫩滑。Same, after clean, embellish works, preexistence is cervical reach clavicular place to dab ? of water of a soft skin maintains skin tender slippery.

有缘人梦中会出现一个神秘的指引,带他们寻找一个神奇的地方,一个叫做“前世今生”的茶馆。What a mystery can appear in dream of person having a reason is how-to, take them to search a mystical place, one is called " preexistence this life " cafes.

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拾起红尘里凋零的片片落红,绕指的柔情,那前世今生的缘分,在时光的掌纹里,沉淀成一首首落花的相思。Pick up the red withered pieces of red fall, around the tenderness, the preexistence of fate, in the time of palmprint, settling into a flower song of Acacia.

利用先在胡桃木上挖出凹槽,然后镶嵌贝壳的传统手工艺方法做成的八角木几,上面摆放的托盘、玻璃杯和台灯。Use groove of the gouge on preexistence Walnut, the anise wood of the make it of traditional handicraft method that enchases conch next a few, the tray that puts above, glass and desk lamp.

第三、作为对现有鉴别方法的补充,还可以根据语义预设的先在性并结合对语句意义的分析对二者进行辨别。Thirdly, it include that we can discriminate them according to the preexistence of Semantic Presupposition and the analyzing the meanings of sentences as complements of the existential approach.