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那不仅仅是一时的狂热。It is not just a fad.

这些新音乐将会是好景不常?Is this new music just a fad?

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这场云计算风潮又怎样呢?And this whole cloud computing fad?

引领家居时尚。Leading the fad of house decoration.

一样的流行却没有相同的时尚。The same popularities havent same fad.

现在这股投资热是否只是一场泡沫?Or is the current fad for Africa just another bubble?

在一个返老还童的名字下,我们还处于这个古老的一时迷梦之中吗?Are we in midst of an old fad under a rejuvenated name?

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表情分享将是2045年的新潮流。Emotion-sharing experiences are the latest fad in 2045.

不要借助流行时尚的方法减肥,而是要学会健康饮食。Don't turn to popular fad diets to help you lose weight.

唯灵论曾是一种时尚,风行了半个世纪之久。Spiritualism was a fad in full flower for half a century.

黄金正成为风靡纽约大街小巷的最新时尚。Gold is becoming the latest fad to hit the streets of New York.

一些怀疑者将屏除“疑病”作为最近的让人感觉良好的时尚。Some skeptics dismiss "happichondria" as the latest feel-good fad.

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一些怀疑者将屏除“疑病”作为最近的让人感觉良好的时尚。Some skeptics dismiss “happichondria” as the latest feel-good fad.

钱德勒本身就是个鉴戒,警告人们不要把拆分风尚演绎得太为过分。He himself was a warning against taking the unbundling fad too far.

全国一半的儿科内分泌专家也加入了那个浪潮中。Half the nation's pediatric endocrinologists participated in that fad.

是否会成为一种流行时尚,鼓励某些孩子更早发生性行为呢?Will they become a popular fad and encourage some to have sex earlier?

恨听起来像一个巨魔,但是这可能是另一种赚钱的时尚。Hate to sound like a troll but this is probably another money-making fad.

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曾经项目管理人员认为敏捷只是一种时尚。Agile was once considered by project management professionals to be a fad.

究竟电子阅读是一个全新改革,还是只是昙花一现的流行呢?。Is the digital book-reading experience a game changer, or just another fad?

首先,根据眼前的商业时尚选择事业是非常愚蠢的。First, trying to choose a career based on a current business fad is foolish.