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一件事情是NISO书目控制网络研讨会。One was the NISO Webinar on Bibliographic Control.

另一个关注书目的实验位于。Another, bibliographic focused, experiment can be found at

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当今的新技术环境对图书馆地方文献工作产生一定的影响。The new technical environment has certain effect on library local bibliographic work.

来自这些国家的研究几乎没有进入国际文献数据库。Research from those countries rarely makes it to international bibliographic databases.

为了让图书馆的使用者完成这些任务,只靠书目数据本身是不够的。To enable library users to accomplish these tasks takes more than bibliographic records.

SkyRiver并非是近几个月以来的首个建立新型书目应用的尝试。This endeavor is not the first to establish a new bibliographic utility in recent months.

霍尔和布朗首先把联机书目数据库定义为纪录集合。Hall and brown first define an on-line bibliographic data base as a collection of records.

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操作台的抽屉里塞满了参考书、缩微胶片和各种书目卡片。It was to harbor drawers brimming with reference books, microfilm and bibliographic cards.

RLG提供RLIN书目服务,它在2006年8月1日被OCLC收购。RLG, which provided the RLIN bibliographic service, was acquired by OCLC effective July 1, 2006.

通过对贵州大学图书馆中文期刊回溯建库的实践,提出自己的见解及建议。To put practice to Chinese periodical bibliographic database in the library of Guizhou University.

用标准的脚注方法,给出你所引的所有资料详细的书目信息。Use standard footnote conventions, giving full bibliographic information for all sources you cite.

经费紧张的图书馆是否会使用省钱的方法来替代它们当前的书目服务?Will budget-conscious libraries embrace a lower-cost alternative for their bibliographic services?

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其中三卷本与四卷本,现今未留传本,仅见于书目著录。Three-volume and four volumes of which, today is not to Pass this, seen only bibliographic bibliography.

他还首开私人编撰书目的先例,在目录学和谱牒学方面也成绩卓著。He initiated the bibliographic compilation and fulfilled great achievement in bibliography and genealogy.

一家叫做SkyRiver的新公司开发出了一项书目服务,直接向独霸市场多年的OCLC发起了挑战。A new company called SkyRiver has launched a bibliographic utility, directly challenging long-dominant OCLC.

另一个关注书目的实验位于。Semantic Library _ Mark TwainAnother, bibliographic focused, experiment can be found at

爱丁堡大学数据图书馆UPDATE数据库是一个与土地利用有关的文献数据库,它的数据类型偏向于实用性。EDINA UPDATE is a bibliographic database of land-based literature whose focus is more practical than scholarly.

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在这里介绍几种较重要的会前资料数据库、会议录书目数据库和会议录全文数据库。This paper mainly introduces pre-conference materials, proceedings bibliographic database and full text database.

尽管还没有实现目标,Bibo已经足够好了,我们能够用它在实践中编制书目数据。Although not there yet, Bibo is good enough to be used in live applications whishing to encode bibliographic data.

不管进展如何,我们目前希望并且需要在关联数据网络上出现的书目数据。Regardless of how it progresses, there is a current need and desire for bibliographic data in the linked data web.