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渔船绞机歌唱锚链缓缓降。The songs at the capstan at the hooker warping out.

绞盘式照排机的处事道理如图2所示。Capstan imagesetter works such as shown in Figure 2.

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该技术已用于其它新型管式抗荷服的设计中。The technique is also used in developing other new capstan anti-G suits.

绞缆机电源与四仓起货机电源是连锁的。The capstan power is inter locked with the power of the No. 4 hold cargo winch.

拉伸的导线外露在该区域中,在拉模盒和绞盘之间。The pull on the wire is exerted in this area, between the die box and the capstan.

他那苍老的声音尖厉、颤抖,仿佛那声音是按船上的绞盘棒定的音,而且定音时嗓子喊破了。In the high, old tottering voice that seemed to have been tuned and broken at the capstan bars.

此刻,绞盘式技艺上的鼎陈和滚筒式代价的回升,速率的提矮,不小不小放不小了两者的不同。Now, capstan technical improvement and drum-type price decline in speed, greatly reduces the difference between the two.

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整体结构简单、紧凑,广泛应用于移动电源的电缆收放作业。The new-style capstan is so well designed with simple and compact structure that it is widely used in mobile power vehicle.

工作部件由刀盘和立式松土刀组成,分为两组,由减速齿轮带动。The working component is composed of capstan and the vertical loosing knife, divided into two groups, by reducing gear impetus.

本文主要研究了绞盘式激光照排机的输片机构及其工作方式,并在此基础上设计了相应的控制流程。This thesis describes film transmit machinery and flow of work of capstan imagesetter. Control method and software flow chart are designed accordingly.

介绍一种新型的内装式电动电缆绞盘,这种电缆绞盘把驱动装置和减速机构装在电缆绞盘滚筒里面。A new-style internal cable capstan is introduced in this paper. For this cable capstan, the drive devices and speed reducer are fixed in the roller of capstan.

通过对某船液压绞缆机故障的分析和排除,阐述了该绞缆机故障产生的原因、排除方法以及油马达十字形滑块联轴器的制造方法。In this paper, the causes of faults in the hydraulic capstan and troubleshooting methods were described, and the made method for the double-slide clutch was proposed.

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我健康极佳,精神矍铄,吃得像头公牛,睡下像棵树,然而只有听见我的老水手们绕着绞盘机迈步,我才能享受一番。I am in the most magnificent health and spirits, eating like a bull, sleeping like a tree, yet I shall not enjoy a moment till I hear my old tarpaulins tramping round the capstan.

文章对D22电动起锚系缆绞盘存在的问题进行了分析,针对存在的问题进行了改进,有效的保证了该艇的安全使用。This paper gives analysis to the faults of cable capstan on D22 electric anchor starter. In order to solve the problem, some technical improvement is made and ship's safety is guaranteed.

但是,只要一刻没有听到老海员在绞盘周围起锚的声音,我就一刻也享受不到真正的喜悦。出海啦!I am in the most magnificent health and spirits, eating like a bull, sleeping like a tree, yet I shall not enjoy a moment till I hear my old tarpaulins tramping round the capstan Seaward ho!