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壁画上是释迦牟尼在说法。The mural depicts Sakyamuni teaching.

他们在一座古寺里发现一幅壁画。In an ancient temple, they see a mural on the wall.

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你可以用旧的壁画创立出反映你女儿兴趣喜好的壁画。You can create an instant wall mural with old records.

有些洞窟中,壁画叠压达三层之多。In some grottoes, there are as many as three mural layers.

该寺各殿壁画,分门别类,绚丽多彩,有较高的艺术价值。Monastery of the Temple mural division, colorful and high artistic value.

壁画是人类绘画史上最古老的艺术。Mural Painting is the oldest art in the history of human beings painting.

极好的斯德哥尔摩图片。一幅壁画在斯德哥尔摩的T-中央车站唤起海洋的底部。A mural in Stockholm's T-Centralen station evokes the bottom of the ocean.

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麦克伦家的门厅里有一幅巨型壁画。The McMullen’s have a giant mural painting along the hallway in their home.

某建筑物墙上的壁画,绘制着各式乌兹别克军人。Mural on the side of a building depicting various types of Uzbke military men.

壁画是依托建筑墙面而存在的公共艺术。Mural is a form of public art whose existence relies on the surface of the walls.

没有一条牛仔裤让我穿起来像壁画里18岁的模特儿。No pair of jeans is going to make me look like the 18-year-old models in the mural.

莫高窟北朝时期的石窟,从窟形到壁画艺术深受克孜尔石窟的影响。The grotto shape and mural art of the latter are under the influence of the former.

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该地铁站附近大雁塔的一位工作人员担心这幅壁画会误导游客。An employee at the nearby Dayan Pagoda worried that the mural would mislead visitors.

一传十,十传百,大批北京市民涌向机场围观裸体壁画。News traveled fast and many Beijing citizens rushed over to take a look at the nude mural.

殿内存有重彩壁画120平方米,其中四壁的壁画最为精彩。Re-color mural hall have 120 square meters, of which the walls of the most spectacular murals.

至于辽代壁画中为何保留了如此浓烈的唐风,则未予深究。As for the mural in the Liao Dynasty, why keep such a thick Tang, you were not go into details.

一个更大的比生命迈尔斯戴维斯优雅的壁画在波希米亚洞穴俱乐部外面在U街。LifeA bigger-than-life Miles Davis graces a mural outside the Bohemian Caverns club on U Street.

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如果真是这样,则壁画中仕女“如唐代仕女画翻版”,也就不足为怪了。If so, then the mural in the ladies "If the copy of the Tang Dynasty Paintings, " not surprising.

它是迄今为止保存壁画面积最大、榜题最多的一座汉代壁画墓。It is by far the largest mural preservation, a list of questions most of Han Dynasty tomb murals.

一个大于生活实际的麦尔斯戴维斯优美的户外壁纸那是玻西米亚人的洞穴剧乐部在U街。Life A bigger-than-life Miles Davis graces a mural outside the Bohemian Caverns club on U Street.