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事实和谎言之间,不宜出版,却普遍存在Between Truth and Lies, An Unprintable Ubiquity

质量文化氛围的普遍性应该扩展至客户。The ubiquity of the quality culture should extend to the customer.

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资料数字化和互联网的普及有助于达到这一目的。The digitization of data and the ubiquity of the Internet can help.

电脑的普及无疑会给我们带来无纸化的办公。The ubiquity of computers was supposed to bring us paperless offices.

意味着不断的羞辱、绝对屏蔽和无处不在的恐惧。It meant daily humiliation, absolute silence and the ubiquity of fear.

新闻的普及性和可替代性阻碍了收费的可能,这是不符合市场营销的基本规则的。Where there's ubiquity and substitutability as in news, can you charge?

普遍性或许不至于毒害原真性,但确实会削弱它。Ubiquity might not be toxic to authenticity, but it certainly dilutes it.

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性画面的无处不在没有释放性爱的力量而是稀释了它。The ubiquity of sexual images does not free the power of Eros but dilutes it.

短短的40年中,在西方它们已经从手提箱大小的玩意儿变得无处不在。In just 40 years, in the West, they’ve gone from suitcase-size novelty to ubiquity.

但是,普遍存在的电脑病毒向人们明示了,当技术传播开来时将会发生什么事情。The ubiquity of computer viruses shows what can happen when technology gets distributed.

水是无处不在的,似乎这颗行星上就存在液态水。Given the ubiquity of water, it seems probable that this thing actually has liquid water.

随着无处不在的自动贩卖机进入生活,瓶装饮料生产线也越来越多。With the ubiquity of vending machines comes the many production lines for bottled beverages.

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但他承认,丑闻带来的震撼让他开始直面无处不在的腐败。But he acknowledged that the scandal shocked him into confronting the ubiquity of corruption.

用户们应该知道,Lubuntu10.10的安装目前还是有许多已知的漏洞。Users should be aware that the Ubiquity installer present in Lubuntu 10.10 has many known bugs.

这种环境,因为信息更加无情的普遍存在,可能同样会摆出新的挑战。Such an environment, with its more relentless ubiquity of information, may also pose new challenges.

寄生生物的驱动效应能解释某段时期某些物种的有性优势,但解释不了为何复杂生物界内有性繁殖普遍占优。Parasites account for some sex some of the time, but not for the ubiquity of sex in complex organisms.

也许应该这么解释,死亡的无处不在,是一种背景的,持续的嗡嗡声。And perhaps the explanation has got to be the ubiquity of death is this kind of background, constant hum.

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RSS的普及度是那么有影响力使得出版商想要通过RSS向用户推送越来越多的内容。The ubiquity of RSS is so powerful that publishers want to deliver more and more content to users via RSS.

不过,电脑在商业领域的无所不在,相比其掌控我们的个人生活而言,相形见绌。The ubiquity of computers in business, however, has been eclipsed by their takeover of our personal lives.

虽然Android系统很有可能会在中国遍地开花,但显然轮不到谷歌来发号施令。Although Android may be destined for ubiquity in China, it's clear that it won't be Google calling the shots.