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你有没有尝过?Have you tried any?

他试了试窗户。He tried the window.

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我试图溜进去。I tried to steal in.

相信我们,我们实测过。Believe us, we tried.

只在M55手机上试过。Only tried M55 phone.

你们以前试过吗?Have you tried before?

他还试图催眠。He also tried hypnosis.

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他因谋杀罪而受审。He was tried for murder.

我试过喝咖啡。I tried drinking coffee.

我已经试过了。I've already tried that.

如果他们试过菱形。If they tried rhomboids.

点几滴润滑眼药水。Tried lubricating drops.

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他试图放飞他的风筝。He tried to fly his kite.

我只想去做正确的事情。I have tried to do right.

所有的措施都试过了。Bll means have been tried.

他试图抑制自己的悲伤。He tried to dam his grief.

我强忍住胸中的怒火。I tried to subdue my fury.

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她想从他那里探听些消息。She tried to pipe him off.

那只鸟想啄那个小孩。The cock tried to peck me.

这次我试着贿赂她。This time I tried bribery.