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除此之外还有很多其他类似的“同步”的例子。There are many other examples of such "Synchronicity".

根据维基百科,关于同步性的定义是According to Wikipedia, the definition of Synchronicity is

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并且继续去感受历史潮流的共时性巧合。And continue to sense the synchronicity of the historical flow.

但是最令人震惊的是,经济萧条的同步性一如其严重性。But the slump was as striking for its synchronicity as its severity.

你认为我们能够去实现以给与的形式同时发生的事情?Do you think there is a synchronicity in the types of giving that we can do?

当然,对于这种同时发生的有许多有效地解释。Certainly, there are plenty of valid explanations for this kind of synchronicity.

这种非直接的数据库更新是繁重的,并引发了数据同步化问题。This non-direct database upload is laborious and evokes problems of data synchronicity.

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反之,要允许同步性的流动,带出下一步、下一步、再下一步。Instead allow the flow of synchronicity to bring the next step, and the next, and the next.

他们背诵了一首散文诗,就像你从这篇文章看到的,是关于让他们俩演奏梦想,同步到真我之中。He recites a prose from an essay or two to rendition the dream back into synchronicity of self.

在双人项目的后六跳中,林跃和火亮一举夺下五个完美的10分。In the second of six dives, Lin and Huo racked up five perfect 10s in the synchronicity category.

这些事件的同时发生是由于当前这场危机产生了前所未有的深远影响。The synchronicity of these events is what gives the crisis its unprecedented broadness and depth.

当曼兹对中国商船的研究逐渐深入,他发现了更多同步性的巧合。Such synchronicity followed Menzies as his research took him deeper along the Chinese trade routes.

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赖利打雷,而且他的声音正在滚动启示,随声附和对那举起力量的同时发生。Riley thundered, and his voice was rolling apocalypse, echoing synchronicity to that upheaving force.

同步性的理念最早在十九世纪二十年代由瑞士心理学家荣格提出。The concept of synchronicity was first described by Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung in the 1920s.

亲爱的你能领会我们的行动须与所有你们整个银河系和宇宙同步。You see dear ones, we have to act in synchronicity with all happening in your entire galaxy and universe.

而且重要的是,这项技术是实时工作的,所以听者可以听到与嘴唇动作同步的声音。Crucially, the technology works in real time, so the listener can hear the output in synchronicity with lip movements.

自闭症志愿者在完成这个作业时表现出在脑部不同的语言区域间有较小的同步性。The autistic volunteers showed less synchronicity between the different language areas of the brain as they performed the task.

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被设计成尽可能迅速地评估业务规则。Synchronicity. Rules evaluation is synchronous, and Rules Engines are designed to evaluate business rules as quickly as possible.

与不幸的同步两个世界的碰撞和古老的力量,把这年轻人开始发挥出它的残酷的游戏。With luckless synchronicity two worlds collide and the ancient force that has snared the young people starts to play out its cruel game.

比赛时,评委会以团队口号、队形及动作调谐一致等标准来进行打分,而获胜团队的精神面貌让他们显得与众不同。Enthusiasm sets winners apart from the others, as judges evaluate criteria like team slogan, formation and synchronicity during the competitions.