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转辙器打开会使火车出轨。An open switch will derail a train.

现在的问题是,父母逼的太紧反而会让孩子出轨。The problem is, too much can derail it.

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但是,事实上,大部分晋升会让你”脱轨“。But in fact, most promotions derail you.

它促使最新一轮世界贸易谈判出轨。It helped derail the latest round of world trade talks.

格鲁吉亚也是一个能让已经修复的俄美关系再次脱轨的问题。Georgia is also one issue that could derail the Russia-US reset.

男性不育症可能会完全改变你未来的世界观。Infertility can totally derail the vision you shared for your future.

这张假相片是用来阴谋扰乱约翰·克里总统竞选的诡计。The collage was a dirty trick designed to derail John Kerry’s campaign.

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“波莉,”我抱怨道,“别打岔,这一推论是错误的。"Polly, " I groaned, "don't derail the discussion. The inference is wrong.

如果铁道出问题而停运高铁,这个问题必须相当严重才行。Any trouble down the tracks would have to look pretty dire to derail all that.

同上,溪湖糖厂守车具有特别的出轨指示牌。Every conductor car has a derail indicator over the roof, Hsi-Hu Sugar Factory.

汽油价格高昂将会打击复苏,但不会让复苏脱离正轨,只是减慢了速度.High gas prices will impede the recovery, but won't derail it. It's a speed bump.

在过去的几个月间,银行家已经艰难游说取消沃伦的提名。During the past few months, bankers have lobbied hard to derail Warren’s nomination.

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什么?,你知道,性。只有这件事可以完全让顶级头脑,偏离轨道。What? you know, biology. The one thing that can completely derail A world-class mind.

无论他飞向何方,他都怀着母爱所赐予他的自由精神,用敏锐的目光观察入微。Wherever he flew was with a keen eye for derail and the free spirit of his mother's love.

我很寒心!我妻子在这段时间对我是如何恩爱,但怎么还会出轨呢?I'm chilling! My wife during this time is how affectionate to me, but how could derail it?

计划就是“人类火车”跑的轨道,没有了计划我们的人生便会脱轨。A plan is the track that our “human train” runs on, without a plan we are certain to derail.

铁轨周围结冰的泥土会造成火车脱轨,岩盐可以使泥土保持松软。Freezing mud that reached track level could derail a train, and rock salt kept the mud soft.

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如果美国经济进入衰退期,亚洲各地经济势难复苏。If the US economy enters a rece ion it may derail the economic recovery in the Asian region.

这不仅仅是对普通家庭的沉重打击——甚至会导致美国经济复苏无望。These won't just hit hard at average families -- they threaten to derail any economic recovery.

这一提议有可能会使得克莱斯勒走出破产境地计划偏离正轨。The move could derail Chrysler's plans for a swift exit from bankruptcy proceedings. T L reports.