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你使我大为惊异!You amaze me!

你没有停止给我惊喜,路易。You never cease to amaze me, Louie.

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女人具有男人所叹为观止的力量。Women have strengths that amaze men.

布兰妮,你永远不会停止给我带来惊喜。Brittney, you never cease to amaze me.

罗弗敦的天气变化总是让我惊讶。The weather never ceases to amaze me here in Lofoten.

这一雄心勃勃的项目定能创造出令世人惊叹的成果。The result of our ambitious project will amaze the community.

这样做对于你自己很好,但是他不会另其他人感到惊奇。This will be worth it to you, but it won’t amaze anyone else.

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为证明此,这里介绍一个纸牌戏法,它能在酒吧里让你的朋友啧啧称奇。To prove it, here’s a card trick to amaze your friends in the pub.

通过对批判性思维的练习,你会发现你的智力一鸣惊人。By practicing self-critical thinking, your intellect will amaze you.

火箭背带会激起公众的兴趣,让观众大吃一惊。The rocketbelt will always interest the public and amaze spectators.

他们回应的速度及质量会令你大开眼界。The speed and quality of the replies you get will probably amaze you.

壮观的景象、清凉的微风以及清晰的声音都将会使你惊喜。The spectacular scenery, cool breezes, and striking sounds will amaze you.

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令人惊奇的是它逼真的细节,尤其是武器和燃料箱。The part that will amaze you is the detailed work on the weapon and fuel tank.

滨河饭店总能提供品种繁多、令人称奇的食物。The Riverside Restaurant promises a variety of food that never ceases to amaze !

地球上的奇景数不胜数,而自然母亲从未停止她创造惊奇的脚步。There are so many stunning landscapes on Earth, yet nature never ceases to amaze.

在2009年四个新产品将惊奇的父母婴儿的成长和美国名人赛新的技能。In 2009 four fresh products will amaze parents as baby grows and masters new skills.

胡迪尼的故事和他精湛的魔术才能无疑将继续令未来的世代惊奇不已。Houdini's story and great abilities will surely amaze people for generations to come.

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太浪漫了,这个月会让你大吃一惊,哪怕你是挂单的。Romantically , this month will be so strong it may amaze you, even if you are single.

次日,这只“大鸭子”将被飞机运往加州。加州人准备接受视觉挑战吧!The next day the duck was to be transported to California by plane, to amaze them either.

我国古代有一个少年,立志长大后要干一番令世人惊叹的事业。In ancient China, there was a teenager that made up his mind to do sth to amaze the world.