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西澳的玛格丽特河以盛产口味浓郁的赤霞珠和梅洛而著称于世。River in Western Australia is world renowned for its flavourful Cabernet and Merlot.

西澳的玛格丽特河以盛产口味浓郁的赤霞珠和梅洛而著称于世。Margaret River in Western Australia is world renowned for its flavourful Cabernet and Merlot.

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香气浓郁,多汁,清凉解渴,杏子是含矿物质和维生素原A最丰富的水果之一。Flavourful , juicy and refreshing, the apricot possesses one of the highest levels of minerals and provitamin A.

醇厚干性的葡萄酒熠熠生辉,带有混合着苹果,梨和一点点柠檬的香气和美味。This full-bodied, dry wine is brilliant and fresh, with a delicious flavourful mixture of apples and pears with a touch of lemon.

有一天,她满心畅快坐下来,面前是一巨型牛排,还在盘子上作响,令人垂涎。One day she sat down with the greatest possible satisfaction before a platter on which reposed a huge steak, sizzling and flavourful.

每一款星巴克的咖啡豆都反映其原产地的独有风味,如果你知道咖啡豆的生产地,就自能说出关于它的故事。Each Starbucks coffee is a flavourful reflection of its land of origin. You can tell a lot about a coffee if you know where it's from.

这种组合浓缩咖啡的特色为强烈的口感并同时带给您持久的圆润和浓郁的醇香。This blend of espresso is characterized by an intense and strong but at the same time round and flavourful taste and persistent finish.

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金黄光泽崔灿清沏,奶油层的成熟水果味,桃和杏水果味,平衡并带有令人兴奋的微量焦糖和菠萝。回味绵长。Creamy layers of ripe fruits, peach and apricot flavours balanced with a delightful hint of caramel and pineapple—long and flavourful finish.

享用自己新鲜渔获的方法可以是使用在大厅外的免费烤架亲自动手或是付点钱让厨房用它们做出一道道美味佳肴。Eat your catch fresh by barbequeing them yourselves at the free pits outside the hall or pay to have the kitchen turn them into flavourful dishes.

它的酒色很特别,酒香亦与众不同。强烈而又浓郁的口感呈现出的是成熟的葡萄和梅李的沁人滋味,余香绵长,着实给人带来心满意足的感觉。It has a distinctive colour and aroma, and a intensely flavourful palate which shows prime grapes and plum with a lingering aftertaste that really satisfies.

呈深红色,酒身强而有力,充分表现了丰富的香料味,包括咖哩,黑胡椒,加上适当的花香,口感非常丰富复杂,既有甜美的樱桃香,亦同时带有矿物味。Intensely red in color. Powerful, lively and full of spices. Very complex and flavourful palate finishes long on sweet cherries with an enticing mineral note.

当温度下降开始冻结葡萄时,葡萄中大部分的水变成固态,使得葡萄中糖分含量升高,其风味与香味都别具风格。When subzero temperatures start freezing the grapes, most of the water turns solid, leaving the sweet, fructose-laden and flavourful centre concentrated with aromas.

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在帕尔产区的美丽的佩德贝赫地区,其岩质页岩土壤对葡萄藤的生长是艰难的。但幸运的是,正是这种折磨使得葡萄藤上的葡萄非常特别,香气怡人。The rocky shale soils of the beautiful Perdeberg region in Paarl is a tough place to be a grape-vine, but fortunately a bit of torment on the vine makes for flavourful grapes.