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构建尽可能瘦的JMS客户机Build the thinnest possible JMS client

这种腰带即便在最薄的衣衫下都看不出来。The belt is invisible even under the thinnest garments.

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标准型接腰位置在身体的最细部位。Standard meet waist position in the thinnest parts of the body.

这栋三层楼的房子堪称“世界上最窄的房子”。This three-storey building in China may be the world's thinnest.

当她弹奏的时候,她发现小孩瘦得最厉害。As she played, she saw that the children were the thinnest of all.

并对边界最薄处进行了强度校核。And the strength check have been proceed toward the thinnest boundary.

但是他做到了,并且由于以上的原因他现在已经站在了最薄的薄冰之上。But he does, and for that reason he must be on the thinnest of thin ice.

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仲冬,反而是湖心最温暖,那儿的冰最薄。In midwinter the middle had been the warmest and the ice thinnest there.

昨天,苹果公司在2008年度的展示会上揭开了世上最薄的笔记本电脑的神秘面纱。Apple unveiled the world’s thinnest notebook yesterday at the Macworld 2008.

现在市场上最薄的屏幕可达8毫米并且可以像纸一样弯折。The thinnest screens now are barely 8mm thick and can fold like a piece of paper

戴尔公司说,这款电脑的厚度仅有0.65英寸,是目前在产最薄的笔记本电脑。Dell says that at 0.65 inches thick, it is the thinnest notebook PC in production.

这将为你能想象到的最薄的光学仪器的出现铺平道路,世界上再没有比一个原子还要薄的东西了。"This will pave the way to the thinnest optical devices imaginable," Engheta said.

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索尼帅气的DSC-TX1型相机是公司推出的最薄机型。Sony's handsome DSC-TX1 Cybershot camera is the thinnest camera the company offers.

这将为你能想象到的最薄的光学仪器的出现铺平道路,世界上再没有比一个原子还要薄的东西了。"This will pave the way to the thinnest optical devices imaginable, " Engheta said.

“眼睑皮肤”是全身皮肤中最薄也最脆弱的部位,只有0.06毫米的厚度,加。" Eyelid skin " is the thinnest skin is the most vulnerable part, only 0.06 mm thickness, plus.

金属是不透明的,所以甚至最薄的金属板也能像一面石头记墙那样能够阻隔光。Metals are opaque so that even the thinnest plate can keep out the light as well as a stone wall.

这并不意味着你就应该继续疯狂节食并且立志做世界上最瘦的人。This does not mean that you should go on crash diets and aim to be the thinnest person in the world.

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厚度黑莓8800仅仅是14毫米,使它成为最薄的黑莓智能手机到日期。The thickness of BlackBerry 8800 is just 14 mm, making it the thinnest BlackBerry smart phone till date.

眼下,我们觉得有一份工作是正常的生活模式,但是这是最不可靠的历史假象。We now think of it as normal to have a job at a company, but this is the thinnest of historical veneers.

主要概念就是减少像一般加油站的顶层,并创造出一个最薄最轻的顶层。The idea was to eliminate the typical gas station roof and create the thinnest and lightest possible roof.