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还有“圆明圆”全景展示。There will be "Ming yuan yuan" panoramic display.

可以看到湄洲岛的全景。We can have a panoramic view of the entire island.

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峰顶眺望,安陆县城尽收眼底。Peak overlooks, Anlu panoramic view of the county seat.

如果你想要观看全景图,请向右滚动。To see a full panoramic vista from there, scroll right.

坐上肖蒙缆索游客们可以观赏到全景。A ride on the Chaumont funicular affords panoramic views.

我们还可以爬上塔去登高望远呢。People can still climb up the pagoda for a panoramic view.

在望海长廊里你可以观赏到北戴河的全景。The Seaside Corridor affords a panoramic view of Beidaihe.

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喝咖啡。再去石莲寺一览束河全景。A cup of coffee. Shek Lin Shu-ji again list panoramic river.

将图片右移可以看到全景图的其他部分。Scrolling right will reveal the rest of the panoramic image.

从这扇大窗望出去可以看到旷野的全景。The large window permits a panoramic view of the open fields.

当然可以.你的房间号是1009.这是你的钥匙.Your room number is 1009, a panoramic suite. Here is the key.

噢,你的意思是想让我们爬上去登高望远啊?Oh, you mean we should climb atop them to have a panoramic view?

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登上铁桥,蛇河的美景尽收眼底。Iron bridge, the beauty of the panoramic view of the Snake River.

Sensics公司是一家全景虚拟现实显示器公司。Sensics, Inc. , is the panoramic virtual reality display company.

旋转闪蒸电子书3D全景模板具有360度的效果。Spin flash eBook in 3D panoramic template with 360 degree effect.

登上城门楼,可以将“崖州八景”尽收眼底。Shing Mun boarded floor, "Yazhou eight scenic spots" panoramic view.

全景照片由早期起,已是摄影中一项独突的种类。Panoramic photo is a special type of photography since the early days.

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构建对现有技术环境的全景了解。Build a panoramic understanding of the existing technology environment.

他学过建筑,戏剧设计和全景绘画,尤其擅长舞台幻境制作,也因此声誉卓著。He apprenticed in architecture, theater design, and panoramic painting.

后来我乘缆车观赏了全景式的景观。Later I take the funicular train, with its outstanding panoramic views.