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他们不希望米奇发飙。They didn’t want Mitch mad.

米契自出生就有斜视。Mitch has been cross-eyed from birth.

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米契称赞贝丝的新鞋。Mitch complimented Beth on her new shoes.

Mitch将这次经历称为“启示”。Mitch called the experience "a revelation."

米奇。麦克奈尔是参议院少数派领导。Mitch McConnell is the Senate minority leader.

你觉得教练范·斯考约克怎么样米奇?。What did you think of coach van scoyoc, mitch?

我刚刚把这个店卖给了费尔斯通的米奇·西迪。I just sold the place to Mitch Heedy at Firestone.

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莫里笑起来。“事情没那么简单,米奇。”我知道。Morrie smiled. "Things are not that simple, Mitch. " I know.

日前加拿大的记者米奇•莫克斯利就被雇佣成为这样一位衣冠楚楚的白领。Canadian journalist Mitch Moxley was hired to be a guy in the tie.

我这周刚和米切勒谈过,我们正在着手进行。I just actually this week talked to Mitch Hurwitz, so we're doing it.

“如果我们得到米奇库普切克,我知道我们能赢,”杰克逊回答道。"If we could get Mitch Kupchak, I know we could win, " Johnson replied.

我离开时,看着国王队,很煎熬。“It was tough to see the Kings turn it around when I left,” says Mitch.

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美国在线WalletPop.com的消费者专栏作家米奇·利普卡就是这样做的。That's what Mitch Lipka, the consumer columnist for AOL's, did.

据报道,他对湖人队总经理库普切克和杰克逊不满。He was reportedly unhappy with Lakers General Manager Mitch Kupchak and Jackson.

“好的,米切尔。”拉马尔抓住他的肩膀,把他让进房间的一角。"Sure, Mitch. " Lamar grabbed his shoulder and led him across the spacious room.

科比开始给予球队嘘声,菲尔杰克逊没有使这件事情更糟糕地发展下去。Kobe was booed. Mitch Kupchak was hated. Phil Jackson wasn't signing an extension.

麦康奈尔甚至可能有话要说,在这一点上中国的政策。Mitch McConnell might even have something to say about China policy at that point.

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与此同时,怀恩豪斯的父亲Mitch以及母亲Janis来到了艾米位于伦敦北部的家中。Meanwhile, Winehouse's father Mitch and mother Janis visited Amy's north London home.

比如湖人经理米歇尔·库普切克,以及整个队伍,这是一个企业。The manager of the Lakers, Mitch Kupchak, the whole team, it's a whole business venture.

在七年国王队生涯中,米奇的得分始终在21.9到25.9之间。During each of his seven seasons in Sacramento, Mitch bucketed between 21.9 and 25.9 per.