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这个消息不胫而走。The news spread like wildfire.

这些想法被迅速地传播。These ideas have spread like wildfire.

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最新的Pro/E野火版看起来还不错。The latest WildFire doesn't look half bad.

万氏兄弟拍摄动画影片的消息,不胫而走。Wan brothers film animation news spread like wildfire.

阵风把犹他州野火吹至盐湖城郊区。Gusty winds whip Utah wildfire into Salt Lake City suburb.

谣言像野火一样蔓延,让我失去了不少选票。The rumor spread like wildfire and cost me a lot of votes.

看涨的想法如同野火般也正在中国蔓延。The bullishness is spreading like wildfire within China, too.

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在卡累利加上有108个天然石碑和46个禁火保护区All in all Karelia has 108 natural monuments and 46 wildfire preserves.

虽然这些八卦并未证实,但是却如野火般蔓延开来。Although these titbits of gossip are not published, they spread like wildfire.

加州消防员正与一场失控的野火搏斗。California firefighters are battling a wildfire that's burning out of control.

和2000年相比,2005年的农村留守儿童规模增长十分迅速。And 2000, 2005 compared the rural left-behind children scale growth like wildfire.

此外,无线宽带的传播速度有如野火般惊人,然后变得普及。Further, mobile broadband is spreading like wildfire and becoming more ubiquitous.

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在俄罗斯梁赞地区消防员在阻止火灾的扩散。Firefighters work to stop a wildfire from spreading in the Ryazan region of Russia.

研究小组的领导人迈克尔沃罗贝,以前曾是一位森林消防人员,喜欢用野火来比喻爱滋病病毒演变情况。Study leader Worobey, a former forest firefighter, likes to use a wildfire analogy.

窗外些许的光映在你苍白的脸上,感觉有点像鬼火。Optical mapping out the window a little pale in your face, feeling a bit like a wildfire.

他们讨论艾滋病象野火一样在工人阶层中传播。They talked of the A. I. D. S. epidemic spreading through the working class like wildfire.

研究结果预计会有更多的“重大森林火灾”发生,并且春天及秋天的火灾多发期会延长。It predicted more “major wildfire events” and longer fire seasons in the spring and autumn.

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2010年9月8号,科罗拉多州博得附近,当消防队员飞过野火上空时,浓烟滚滚。Smoke rises as firefighters fly over a wildfire on September 7, 2010 near Boulder, Colorado.

2007年5月,在艾维隆市附近发生了一场由人为原因造成的大火,大火肆虐了4800公顷土地。In May 2007, a human-caused wildfire broke out near the city of Avalon, burning 4, 800 acres.

建新桥的工作迅猛地进行,到目前为止没有什么大的阻碍。Work on the new bridge went ahead like wildfire , and so far there have been no major setbacks.