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投标者交出了她异常纤细娇嫩的手指.The tenderer surrendered her tremendously slender tender fingers.

招标人设有标底的,标底必须保密。If a tenderer has a base bid price, it must be kept secret and confidential.

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第五十条中标通知书对招标人和中标人具有法律约束力。Both tenderer and bid winner are subject legally to the notice of contract award.

此份标书乃经投标人全权授权呈交。This tender is submitted with the full authority of and on behalf of the Tenderer.

任何单位和个人不得以任何方式为招标人指定招标代理机构。No unit or person may designate a procuratorial agency for the tenderer in any form.

招标人收到投标文件后,应当签收保存,不得开启。The tenderer shall sign and keep the bid documents when receiving and may not open them.

投标书中凡有改动和擦掉之处,均应由有关投标人签名。All alterations and erasures in the tender document shall be initialled by the tenderer concerned.

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招标人也可以授权评标委员会直接确定中标人。The tenderer may also authorize the bid assessment committee to directly determine the winning bidder.

希望投标方以精良的设备,优质的服务和最优惠的价格前来竞争。It is wished that tenderer join the bid with excellent equipment, knight service and most favorable price.

投标人少于三个的,招标人应当依照本法重新招标。If the number of bidders is less than three, the tenderer shall issue the tender anew according to this Law.

投标人应是收到招标人及招标代理机构发出投标邀请书的单位。Bidder shall be a unit which receives the invitation for bid issued by the tenderer and the tendering agency.

招标人不得单独或者分别组织任何一个投标人进行现场踏勘。The tenderee may not organize only one tenderer or separately organized the tenderers to make on-spot surveys.

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当继续使用这些产品造成再脱一层皮时,更嫩的皮肤又要饱受摧残。When continues uses these products to create peels a skin again, a tenderer skin must fully suffer devastates.

北京市环境保护监测中心是本项目的实施单位和本次招标的招标人。Beijing Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center is the implementation agency and the Tenderer of the Project.

招标人不得强制投标人组成联合体共同投标,不得限制投标人之间的竞争。A tenderer may not compel bidders to form a consortium to make joint bidding and may not restrict competition among bidders.

瑞博赛血球试剂产品在2010年的洛阳和石家庄地区相关项目上中标。Rebcell company become the successful tenderer for the hematology reagents projects in Luoyang and Shijiazhuang area in 2010.

在招标文件要求提交投标文件的截止时间后送达的投标文件,招标人应当拒收。The tenderer shall refuse to accept any bid documents delivered after the deadline for submission set in the tender documents.

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2008年瑞博赛血球试剂产品分别在北京地区,河南商丘地区,河北石家庄地区中标。Rebcell company become the successful tenderer for the hematology reagents projects in Beijing, Henan and Shijiazhuang area in 2008.

招标人具有编制招标文件和组织评标能力的,可以自行办理招标事宜。A tenderer who has the capability of preparing his tender documents and organizing bid assessments may carry out the tender by himself.

布兰奇就像可怜的唐吉诃德,为了她那个“温柔”而又“温情”的浪漫世界的梦想而绝望地抗争着,这是一出“悲喜剧”。Blanche fighting desperately just like the poor don quixote clings to her dream of a "soft"tenderer" romantic world in this tragicomedy.