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他恳求更多的军队和物资。He's pleaded for more troops and matériel.

产品的其他名称有物资和物品。Additional words for products are materiel and goods.

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VQ―1机组携带着如飞行路线之类的机密材料。VQ-1 crews carry classified materiel as a matter of routine.

链条输送机是以链条作为牵引和承载体进行物料输送。Chain conveyor is conveying materiel take chain as traction and carrier.

其他复合材料,如玻璃纤维,也可以用来在这个过程中。Other composite materiel , such as fiberglass, can also be used in this process.

可修复性航材修理间隔期的确定影响到可修复性航材的库存。Ascertain of the repairing interval of repairable air materiel works on its stocks.

请完成所有的问题,这才是真正学好这门课程的唯一途径…Please, do all the problems, this is the only way to really learn the course materiel.

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此时,各种损毁的设备和物资杂乱的散布于各处。Wrecked equipment and materiel of all kinds lies strewn around as the crossing is made.

知识军事条件下,对航空装备保障的流程进行改进是航空装备发展的首要条件。The coming of knowledge-based military caused the reform in every area of materiel support.

概述了军品包装的设计开发程序和过程控制要求。The requirements of process and quality control of materiel packaging design was intro- duced.

他认为盟军赢得法国战役仅仅是因为超强空军和物质优势。He thought the Allies had won in France only because of overwhelming air and matériel superiority.

在物资管理方面,则有政府和承包商一起共同管理。The materiel management functions will be a joint effort between the contractors and the government.

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采用缎烧法和燕压法对化学石膏进行处理,研究了处理温度和外加剂对石膏性能的影响。Study on utilizing desulphurization gypsum and phosphogypsum to produce self-leveling materiel wan carried our.

该系统运行可靠,操作方便,提高了装备维修器材保障的效率。This system works reliably, operates conveniently and improve efficiency of materiel maintenance spares support.

采用风、水冷却有效的控制粉碎温度,确保被粉物料之物性。Adopt wind, water-cooling effective to control crush temperature, insure the characteristic of the crush materiel.

RB02蠕动泵是通过旋转的滚柱使胶管蠕动来输送液体的。RB02 peristaltic pump can transfer the materiel through liquid now with the pressure of peristalsis by gyred roller.

RB12B蠕动泵是通过旋转的滚柱使胶管蠕动来输送液体的。RB12B peristaltic pump can transfer the materiel through liquid now with the pressure of peristalsis by gyred roller.

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与此同时,他同样忙于挽回恩多战后数年帝国军队所承受的军备损失。At the same time, he worked to replace the losses in matériel that the military had suffered in the years since Endor.

文章提出了一种在回转窑火焰图像中自动分割物料区和火焰区的方法。In this paper, I provide the auto-segment materiel section and flame section method of flame image of the rotary kiln.

RB12FB蠕动泵是通过旋转的滚柱使胶管蠕动来输送液体的。RB12FB peristaltic pump can transfer the materiel through liquid now with the pressure of peristalsis by gyred roller.