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买一个火鸡浇油管。Buy a turkey baster.

他们吃了火鸡吗?Did they eat turkey?

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发现奥尔杜,土耳其。Found in Ordu, Turkey.

土里土气土耳其四人行。Four people in Turkey.

火鸡肉。你要吃吗?。Turkey. You want some?

说正经事吧,不然我就走了。Talk turkey or I'll go.

博得鲁姆的土耳其城堡。Turkey castle of Bodrum.

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是时候打开天窗说亮话了。It's time to talk turkey.

接着把您的火鸡剪下来。Then, cut out your turkey.

他们这里的火鸡非常棒。They have great turkey here.

他取道土耳其来到欧洲。He came to Europe via Turkey.

我想吃火鸡和南瓜饼。I like turkey and pumpkin pie.

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土耳其山洪爆发,31人死亡。Flash floods kill 31 in Turkey.

火鸡赦免仪式上的诚实Honesty at the Turkey Pardoning

他们全吃光了那只火鸡。They simply demolished the turkey.

有些土耳其人意识到这一点。Some people in Turkey realise this.

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这部电影真是狗皮倒灶。The motion picture is a real turkey.

他们在炭火上烤火鸡。They broiled a turkey over charcoal.

用铝箔把火鸡缠绕起来。Wrap the turkey up in aluminum foil.