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我告诉他我的两个好友都坚持认为,我应该要积极。I told Aldo that two of my friends insisted that I cheer up.

桑坦德竞技的中场球员杜舍尔引起了意甲球队的兴趣。Racing Santander midfielder Aldo Duscher is attracting Serie A interest.

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用放射免疫分析法测定禁盐和正常生活下不同年龄大鼠血浆ALDO浓度。The concentration of plasma ALDO of the rats was analysed by using radioimmunoassay.

利沃诺主席公开宣布承认没有接受到任何关于门将阿梅利亚的报价。Livorno have received no offers for goalkeeper Marco Amelia, President Aldo Spinelli has declared.

红军传奇球星阿尔多是杰拉德的忠实球迷,他相信杰拉德能带领利物浦为09赛季荣耀而战。Kop hero Aldo is a big fan of Gerrard's and believes he should be the leading contender for the 2009 honour.

“他有着出色的技巧,但他需要展现他能够走出最后一步,去成为一名顶级球员,”奥尔德说到。"He has got great skills but he has to show he can take that final step to become a top player, " said Aldo.

我正要组建一支别动队,我需要八个人,八个犹太裔美国战士。Aldo Raine and I'm putting together a special team, and I need me eight soldiers. Eight Jewish-American soldiers.

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他作为一名工业设计师与数家建筑事务所合作,例如阿尔多?罗西事务所以及其他不同的意大利公司。He collaborated with several architecture offices, such as Aldo R ossi's one, and different Italian firms as industrial designer.

正在这时,好像要在人类记忆中体现这些变化似的,一位名叫奥尔多·派德左利的男子停下了他的四轮车。At that moment, as though to embody those changes within one human memory, a man named Aldo Pederzolli pulled up on his four-wheeler.

他可以胜任场上多个不同的位置,但在我看来,他现在所扮演的中场指挥官的角色是最合适的。"He can help the team in a wide variety of positions, but for me the position where he is most effective is where he is now, " said Aldo.

至于巴拉圭队,他们的门将博瓦迪利亚一定会为丢了一个球感到非常失望,因为他整场比赛都表现得非常好。As far as Paraguay are concerned, their goalkeeper Aldo Bobadilla must be very disappointed to have conceded a goal because he had a very good game.

该项立法变动的始作俑者,国会议员阿尔多·雷贝洛认为此前的法律不可能满足农民的生存要求,而且几乎没有农民依法行事。Congressman Aldo Rebelo, who introduced the measure, said the law makes it impossible for farmers to make a living and almost no one complies with it.

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另一方面,奥尔多•利奥波德写到,“若依普通的物理度量,无论是质量还是能量,松鸡在一英亩的土地生态系统中仅是沧海一粟。On the other hand, Aldo Leopold writes, "In terms of conventional physics, the grouse represents only a millionth of either the mass or the energy of an acre."

上校德拉克·弗兰斯对幽灵的报复企图未果,因为冈特曾经在很多年前处决了弗兰斯的父亲,奥尔多·德塞由斯。Colonel Flense also attempted to get his revenge on Gaunt and the Ghosts, as Gaunt has field-executed Flense's father, General Aldo Dercius, many years previously.

突然,嘭!在遭到阿根廷人阿尔多·佩德罗·杜舍尔的剧烈冲撞之后,曼联队的大卫·贝克汉姆痛苦万分地抱住了头。他随即被担架抬离球场。After being badly challenged by Argentine Aldo Pedro Duscher, United's David Beckham grabbed his head in severe pain and was immediately taken from the pitch on a stretcher.

用制作人奥尔多·斯克法尼的话说,该剧将“忠于玛格丽特笔下的故事情节和人物形象,同时赋予其适当的现实生活的成分。”It quoted producer Aldo Scrofani as saying that it would "remain true to Margaret Mitchell's original story and characters while also revealing its relevance to our lives today."

用制作人奥尔多·斯克法尼的话说,该剧将“忠于玛格丽特笔下的故事情节和人物形象,同时赋予其适当的现实生活的成分。”It quoted producer Aldo Scrofani as saying that it would "remain true to Margaret Mitchell's original story and characters while also revealing its relevance to our lives today."

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他的意思是不必为此担心,就算他有顾虑,也会被坐在主席身边的巴西体育部长阿尔多·雷贝洛消弭了。His message was don't be afraid. Perhaps any fears he may have harbored had been quelled by Brazil's Sports Minister Aldo Rebelo who was sitting alongside the head of world football.

阿尔多始终坚持先做正直的人再做优秀的产品,为每一个客户带来高质、高效的精品,努力打造具有国际竞争力的工程机械制造商。Aldo always do first person of integrity do the best products for Each customer brings high quality, boutique and women in creating an internationally competitive construction machinery manufacturer.

该文通过分析阿尔多•罗西的主要建筑理论的形成,尝试理解罗西从心理学层面引入的“相似性”原列,并通过“相似性原理”发展类型学的方法。The following paper intends to review the selected theory of the famous Italian architect Aldo Rossi. The analogy is on explication of Rossi's design method, which relies on the psychological analogy.