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种植园里的工作并非全是些男性化的工作。Not all plantation work has been masculinized.

裕华丝厂工场内,死一般的沉寂了。A stillness as of death hung over the plantation.

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那时吉普赛人在种植园里吗?Were there gipsies in the plantation at the time?

同时,他们也拥有约40公顷的咖啡种植园。They also own about 40 hectares of coffee plantation.

因为否则不算是殖民,倒成了灭民了。For else, it is rather an extirpation, then a plantation.

种植白腊杆已有300多年的历史。The plantation of Bailagan has a history of over 300years.

使得查理·斯拉特大为气恼的就是这片苗圃。It was this plantation that had so annoyed Charlie Slatter.

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对蚂蚁们来说,幼小的大象是种植园里的庞然大物.To the ants, the infant elephant is a giant in the plantation.

东面是一片被沼泽包围的浓密枣林。To the east there is a dense date plantation bounded by marsh.

据此提出了人工林分的改造意见。Then the suggestion of transforming plantation was put forward.

我种植场有瓜蒌子可供,欢迎来人考察洽谈。I have a plantation for Gualou son, please come visit to discuss.

一个栽植点是彼此紧密栽植在一起的一群区组。A " plantation " is a group of blocks planted close to each other.

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正版种植黑纱外底提供持久耐用。Genuine plantation crepe outsole delivers long-lasting durability.

一条平坦的石子路,绕过一个种植场,通向邸宅的前门。A road of smooth gravel winding round a plantation led to the front.

威尔逊家决定把橡胶种植园出租给当地人。The Wilsons decided to farm ort their rubber plantation to the natives.

出圃栽植成重复的永久性试验林。Later out plant the seedlings in a replicated permanent test plantation.

他被转送到种植园附近一家战地医院里康复。He was transferred to a field hospital at a nearby plantation to recover.

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人工毛竹林具有优良的森林水文功能。The Moso bamboo plantation has an excellent forest hydrological function.

而科级水平的聚类反映出人工紫胶林和天然紫胶林更接近。While at the family level, plantation forest was close to natural forest.

而纯板栗园的最低,其效益指数仅有0.4587。The benefit index of pure chestnut plantation was the lowest, only 0.4587.