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我几乎爱上了自在的死神I have been half in love with easeful Death

我几乎爱上了静谧的死亡。I have been half in love with easeful Death.

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我和父母生活在一起,过着简单安逸的生活。I am living a peaceful and easeful life with my parents.

在那种安逸的灯光下喝酒的确是一种享受。Furthermore, drinking in such easeful light is really a kind of enjoyment.

我在黑暗里倾听,多少次,我几乎爱上这静谧的死亡。Darking I listen and for mang time, I have been half in love with easeful Death.

为别墅业主打造舒适、安逸的智能现代生活。Those help to create comfortable easeful and intellectualized modern life for villa owners.

她怀着一种做完了工作的舒畅心情休息片刻,这是经过了何等艰苦的奋斗才得到的呀。She was pausing a moment with that easeful sense of accomplishment which follows work done that has been a hard struggle in the doing.

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它们看来如此的舒适安逸,似乎并未为自己所处生存环境的恶劣而有丝毫的悲哀与不满!They all look so comfortable and easeful with their lives here, without any upset or complaint for the tough living environment they are in.

那个青年不在身边,她感到无拘无束,就撅起嘴巴,靠近鸟笼子,对着那些留神细听的小鸟儿轻松优美地吹起来。Unrestrained by the young man's presence she threw up her mouth, put her lips near the bars, and piped away in easeful grace to the attentive listeners.

社会国家的安定统一与个人心情的舒畅自由,最终保障着和谐社会的实现。Besides the social stability and national unity, the uncontrolled and easeful mind is also the essential condition which realizes finally the harmonious society.

实际上,虚拟现实就是利用计算机的软件和硬件去产生一种境界的仿真,如仿真一个学习场所,一次惊险的行为等等。In fact, virtual reality is exploiting software and hardware ofthe computer to generate a simulation of an environment, such as an easeful classroom, a breathtaking action and so on.

独特的儿童叙事视角、全知式的叙述人称、舒缓的情感叙事以及穿插式的乡土解说,构成了彭学军少年小说的叙事方式。The narrative approach in her novels includes a unique perspective of children′s narrative, omniscient narrative style, easeful emotional narration and interspersed type of local narration.