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他的迴旋踢特别有力。His roundhouse kick is especially powerful.

没错。他的迴旋踢特别有力。Yes. His roundhouse kick is especially powerful.

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这与5路开关跟踪奢华盘旋云杉任何木制火车。This Deluxe roundhouse with 5 way switch track will spruce up any wooden train set.

就像小时候腿上中了BB气枪打出的那颗子弹,下巴挨了那记大抡拳,他们的抨击使我感到了疼。Like the childhood BB shot in my leg and the roundhouse blow to my jaw, their attacks hurt.

了解如何在此免费视频对妇女的跆拳道技术的腿回旋踢一回。Learn how to do a back leg roundhouse kick in this free video on women's kickboxing techniques.

甚至到65岁了,火车头托马斯仍显得比在火车调车房里的其他火车头略年轻些。Even at age 65, Thomas remains slightly smaller than the rest of his engine friends in the roundhouse.

阿泰赛前告诉头头,如果还不打好点,他就会很快知道大抡拳是什么味道。Ron Artest told Luther pre-game, if he doesn't start playing better, he will soon learn what does a roundhouse kick mean.

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如已在其休息室,芝加哥和西北铁路公司的午餐回旋雨刷雇用女工。Women workers employed as wipers in the roundhouse having lunch in their rest room, Chicago and Northwest Railway Company.

那么卡巴拉人跺脚抡拳,强烈反对哨兵同盟直接发起攻势便毫不意外了!No wonder the Karbarrans had been against the Sentinels' simply leaping into the attack with both feet and a roundhouse swing!

或者你也可以射中他的身体,然后再用强有力的一脚把他踢飞。Or you can stagger an enemy by shooting him in the midsection and then send him careening into his cohorts with a mighty roundhouse kick.

马路对面的Roundhouse上演各种音乐的现场表演,包括一些大牌音乐家的演出,以及马戏表演。Aross the road, the Roundhouse shows it knows the meaning of eclectic, with a program that includes big-name musicians, and even circus acts.

一场拳头对拳头的生死战就要展开,左勾拳、右勾拳,再吃我一记迴旋踢!Kill your time with these 5 Rangers! A fist to fist war has just started. Throw a left hook, a right hook, or even a reverse roundhouse kick!

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了解如何打击对手的压力点时,对一个回旋踢在这个自由捍卫设有一个第四度合气道黑带视频。Learn how to strike an opponent's pressure point when defending against a roundhouse kick in this free Aikido video featuring a 4th degree black belt.