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谢伊抛出了一只复制品。Shea has made copies and throws one.

奥谢则填补了布朗右边的空缺。Shea filled in for Brown at right-back.

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蕴含购自社群贸易的乳木果和可可豆。Containing Community Trade shea and cocoa butter.

谢伊认为我们的祖先投掷石块的本领相当不错。Shea thinks our ancestors threw rocks pretty well.

丰富的混合牛油果油和可可油。Enriched with a blend of Shea Butter and Cocoa Butter.

谢伊带我到足球场示范了一番。Shea takes me to a football field for a demonstration.

像瑟申依莎这样喜欢阅读字典的人并非他一个人。Mr Shea is not alone in his love of reading dictionaries.

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丰富的混合牛油果油和可可油。The occurrence, composition and properties of shea butter.

有机黄油能滋润和修复敏感的肌肤。Organic shea butter moisturizes and rejuvenates sensitive skin.

葡萄精油、维生素B5、维生素E、氨基酸、小麦蛋白、乳木果油。Grape essential oil, VB5, VE, Amino acid, Wheat egg white, Shea butter.

瑟申依莎拥有超过1000多本字典,他非常喜欢阅读字典,并觉得这是一种乐趣。Mr Shea owns over 1, 000 dictionaries and he likes to read them for fun.

谢伊说,谁也比不上肯尼迪能动员那么多的政治支持者。“Nobody builds up a crowd” of political supporters like Kennedy, said Shea.

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洋甘菊提取物,天然油和牛油果油滋润和滋养肌肤。Chamomile extract, natural oils and Shea Butter moisturize and nourish the skin.

谢伊没用多少力气,飞镖就射出了50码以外。Shea fires one off with very little effort, and the dart travels a good 50 yards.

什亚博士已经开始临床实验以检测这个好处对人类是否适用。Shea has begun clinical trials to determine whether humans get a similar benefit.

牛油果油的极限保湿和金盏菊,帮助止痒。With shea butter for ultimate moisturizing and calendula to help relieve itching.

乳木果油,维他命E,合成蜂蜡、苹果酸二异硬脂醇酯等。Shea butter, vitamin E, synthetic beeswax, apple iso-stearic acid ester and so on.

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谢伊评估了来自工会组织和社会名人等其他方面支持的重要性。Shea weighed the importance of other endorsements from labor unions and celebrities.

甜杏仁油,霍霍巴油和超纯净牛油果混合充分深层护理。Features a soothing blend of sweet almond oil, jojoba oil and ultra pure Shea butter.

蕴含普罗旺斯天然薰衣草精华、乳木果精华萃取液。It contains natural Provence lavender essence and Shea butter essential extract fluid.