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幻觉的风景如今就成了真实的景致。Illusionary landscapes are real landscapes now.

幻觉的屏风之外,夏天,热浪滚滚。Beyond the illusionary screen, summer heat is billowing.

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综上所述,空间与时间是可变的、错觉的现象。In summary, space and time are varying and illusionary phenomena.

我时常沉入一种情绪中,感觉一切都是虚幻。I often find myself in a mood that everything is illusionary to me.

身体的波动困扰着许多正在为财富醉生梦死的人们。Physical clutter plagues many people in the illusionary chase of possessions.

怀疑是你心目中的虚幻墙限制上帝无限力量。Doubt is the illusionary wall in your mind that limits the endless power of God.

在我们诸多巨大的幻相式的力量源头中,其中有一个就是我们所谓的“权威”里。One of our greatest illusionary sources of power is in what we call "authority".

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表意的抽象性导致小说艺术世界的虚幻化。The ideographic abstractness brings about the illusionary artistic world in novels.

观众可以通过自己的是视听感知经验,创造一个幻觉的世界。The audience can establish a illusionary world in an audio-visual perception experience.

深冬的披肩上泛起涟漪,一场暴风雪的幻影在控制室里旋转。Deep Winter ruffled his cape, and a flurry of illusionary snow swirled about the control room.

这DVD是当务之急对希望的任何人学会更多关于结合错觉性笑剧与魔术。This DVD is a must to anyone wishing to learn more about combining illusionary mime with magic.

他常常使用镜子,并对它的双重效果和幻想功能很着迷。He often uses the mirror, a device which fascinates him because of its doubling and illusionary effects.

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同时他也检验了虚拟现实的特性并将其和早期的幻觉艺术做了区分。He also examines those characteristics of virtual reality that distinguish it from earlier forms of illusionary art.

我们与其认为这是歌手们在想方设法迎合他们的歌迷,倒不如说他们为青年人树立了虚幻的形象。Singers less of catering to their fans through plenty of songs, but built an illusionary image for the young people.

他的魔术或幻术的做法,具有符号象徵意义,遵照严格的符码跟井井有条的仪式。His magic or illusionary practices are done symbolically and in keeping with a strict code and well-established ritual.

面对马路的墙是一片混凝土和红雪松的混合物,给人提供一种虚幻的感觉。The wall facing the road is a mixture of chipping concrete and red cedar louvers, offering an illusionary depth of the wall.

它是一种提供假想能量的碳水化合物,一旦最初燃料耗完它就只会让身体走下坡路。It’s a form of carbohydrate that offers illusionary energy, only to cause a downhill slump once the initial burst has been worn off.

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姜文说回忆因为时间的关系也会被美化,添加上许多虚幻的美好的成分。Memories could be more beautiful that it really was, with many illusionary plots added, acoording to what Jiang Wen said in this movie.

去掉一切我们对于经验的描述,试着通过身体的触觉去还原某些现实瞬间所产生的幻觉体验。Remove all the descriptions of our experience and try to revert some illusionary parts of the instant reality through the sense of touch.

研究者们说,这些人假想自己与电视角色有某种关系可以舒缓他们的归属感需求。This is evidence, say the researchers, that illusionary or "parasocial" relationships with television characters or personalities can ease belongingness needs.