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她讲话的声音柔和而抑扬顿挫,有些威尔士口音。Her voice had a soft Welsh lilt to it.

她的声音里透出一种轻快活泼,这是以前没有的。There was a lilt in her voice which was new.

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她的声音如孩童般,带有英格兰西南部诸郡的那种抑扬顿挫。Her voice is child-like, with a West Country lilt.

豪厄尔从未在布朗克斯听到过如此轻快优雅的说话声。The voices he heard in the Bronx never had Naomi’s lilt.

他一直在报上攻击雇用童工。He has been running a lilt in the newspaper against child labour.

他说英国话带者浓重的中国口音,而说中国话又带几分洋腔调。He speaks English with a strong Chinese accent and speaks Chinese with a slight foreign lilt.

这些特色包括轻快的旋律或“歌唱般的”语言声调,以及丰富的当地俚语。These special features include a lilt or "sing-song" sound to the language, and plenty of local slang.

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诵唱是介于歌唱和说话之间的一种发声法,表演者使用轻快有节奏但不太准确的调子。A form of dramatic declamation between singing and speaking, in which the speaker uses lilt and rhythm but not precise pitches.

就是这种对生活的热爱让我们的眼睛炯炯有神,让我们的步伐轻快有力,让我们的灵魂不再起皱。It is such enthusiastic love of life that puts a sparkle in our eyes, a lilt in our steps and smooths the wrinkles from our souls.

正是对生活如此的挚爱才使我们的眼波流彩,使我们的步伐轻盈,使我们的心灵永不苍老青春长在。It is such enthusiastic love of life that puts a sparkle in our eyes, a lilt on our steps and smoothes the wrinkles from our souls.

卡特的语调是忧伤的,而奥巴马的言辞给人的感觉是极其轻快的,给每一个人的前进步伐都带去了动力。Mr Carter's tone was dolorous, but there is an extraordinary lilt to Mr Obama's rhetoric which puts a bounce back into everyone's step.

在月光普照的夜晚,码头的轮廓倒影在波光粼粼的水面上,一个棕榈法庭乐队演奏出似鬼魅般的声音穿过波浪轻快的传来。On moonlit nights, when the pier is silhouetted against the glittering water, the ghost-sounds of a Palm Court orchestra seem to lilt across the waves.

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普劳特夫人的钢琴乐有种拉格泰姆式的轻快感,可能她也的为中途出现在合成器上的复调旋律负责。Mrs. Prout’s piano has a nice ragtimey lilt and perhaps she, too, was responsible for the countermelody that appears on synthesizers about halfway through.

以前的同学和老师形容“Berry”——“Barry”的印尼口音读法——说他既好奇也爱玩,甚至那个时候就已经表现出了一些早熟的领导才能。Former classmates and teachers describe "Berry" — Barry with an Indonesian lilt — as inquisitive and fun-loving, even then displaying a precocious talent for leadership.

他们密切注视在飞机、火车长着长胡子的人,紧张地瞥眼可着在购物中心的包裹,在机场和公交车站里听带着阿拉伯语的口音。They eyed bearded men on planes and trains, glanced nervously at suspicious packages in shopping malls, and listened for the lilt of Arabic in airports and bus stations.

她的脚步轻快,身上带着一丝香气,她看起来像一个女王,她简直就是一个女王——穿着上校送给比克斯比夫人的那件漂亮的黑色貂皮大衣。There was a lilt in her walk, a little whiff of perfume attending her, and she looked like a queen, just exactly like a queen in the beautiful black mink coat that the Colonel had given to Mrs. Bixby.