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远处若隐若现的车流喧嚣。Distant traffic noises.

她正在发出睡眠的噪音。She was making sleeping noises.

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大厅里充满了嘈杂声。The noises sounded in the hall.

你可听到了哪些奇怪的声响?Did you hear those queer noises?

我从未听到过这种噪声。I have never heard these noises.

谁弄出的那种怪声?。Who's making those strange noises?

那些夜晚的噪音发自何处?。Then wherefrom these noises at night?

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喝汤时不要喝出声音来。Do not make noises when you drink soup.

这一次,他没有听到猫叫声。This time he did not hear any cat noises.

晚上的那些噪音让我很烦燥。Those noises at night have been getting to me.

变得害怕风、雨或突然的响声。Become afraid of wind, rain or sudden loud noises.

通常你在房子里听到多少噪音?How many noises do you usually hear in your house?

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滴答响噪音的液压汽车都很好。Ticking noises from the hydraulic tappets are fine.

减少风扇工作噪音,提高驾驶舒适性。Reduce noises of fans and raise the driving amenity.

他们可以发出每秒1000个回声定位信号。They can make up to 1, 000 clicking noises per second.

你注意到孩子呼吸时伴有喟叹音。You notice grunting noises with your child's breathing.

我们忍受的一些噪音是不可避免的。Some of the noises we are subjected too are unavoidable.

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当凯蒂和埃迪往回跑时,原来那恐怖的声音已经慢慢减弱了。The noises were fading away as Cathie and Eddie ran back.

给她唱歌,哼哼,或者发出轻轻的嘘嘘声。Make some soothing noises. Sing, hum, or gently shush her.

大会堂的厚墙把广场上的噪音阻隔了。The thick walls of the great hall baffled the square noises.