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我们在孟买登陆。We landed at Bombay.

它重重地跌到地上。It landed with a thump.

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球落得很轻很稳。That ball landed very softly.

我们合力把鱼拖上岸来。Between us we landed the fish.

她一拳打在他的眼睛上。She landed him one in the eye.

龙和虎已分别在华盛顿和耶鲁降落。The dragon has landed in D. C.

一块600磅的碎片也落在不远处。A 600-pound piece landed nearby.

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幸运的是我掉下去摔在了灌木丛上。Luckily I landed in some bushes.

她撞在一个大雪堆上停了下来。She landed in a big pile of snow.

他们合力把鱼弄上岸。Between them they landed the fish.

孩子们登上了那座岛。The children landed on the island.

他掉下去了,但落在了灌木丛上。He fell, but landed in some bushes.

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一份报告突然掉到他桌子上。A report suddenly landed onhis desk.

货物被从船上卸到岸上。The goods were landed from the ship.

另一颗炸弹抛在教堂的塔尖上。Another landed on the church steeple.

作为观测员,他让他们安全地着陆。As the spotter, he landed them safely.

球不偏不倚正好落在他的脚上。The ball landed smack-dab at his feet.

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部队被送到滩头堡登陆。The troops were landed at a beachhead.

他从巴黎飞过来了27分钟前降落了。And he landed on Paris, 27 minutes ago.

沉重的箱子哗啦一声掉到他的头上。The heavy box landed crash on his head.