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那个新手兽人甚至不能打到德鲁依。That newbie Orc can't even hit the Druid.

我曾经是个联盟圣骑,现在我玩兽人萨满。I was a paladin in Alliance, now I'm a orc shaman.

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什么将是主要特点之一奥卡英雄?。What will be the main specificities of the Orc heroes?

邪恶的兽族宇宙人被送往宇宙为燃烧军团而战。Fel Orc sent into space to fight for the demonic legion.

兽人攀折了瓦蕾拉的手臂,并将其丢到了角落里。The orc breaks Valeera's arm and throws her into the corner.

在这则故事中,半兽人是介于人与兽之间的一种动物。In the tale, an orc is something between a man and a monster.

你们什么时候放出寒冰王座中附加兽人战役的下一章?When will you release the next chapter of the bonus orc campaign?

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老兽人粗糙的脸上显出平和和满足的样子。The old orc had a look of peace and fulfillment upon his gnarled face.

大地精过去曾经驯化过它们,若干兽人部落也做过同样的尝试。Hobgoblins have domesticated them in the past, as have some orc tribes.

你打败了战人王和兽人并拿到了火之水晶。You have defeated the Orc King and already claimed the Crystal of Fire.

雷加带来了一个20英尺左右的兽人来试炼他的步队。Rehgar has brought in what looks like a twenty-foot orc to test his team.

可能是兽族,因为他们的英雄,他们的单位都有那么长的血。Probably orc because they have great heros, and their units have so many hps.

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萨满法师们宣称这非自然的风暴中充满了巫术的气息。Soon the Orc shamans began to talk of sorcery and that the storm was unnatural.

它们说兽人语和牛头人语,而一些能学会通用语和其它语言。They speak Orc and Taur-ahe, and are capable of learning Common and other languages.

双足飞龙常独自来寻找兽人风骑士的存在。Wyverns are encountered alone as often as they are found in an orc rider's presence.

斑豹战士经常充当兽人酋长和萨满中最强大者的荣誉近卫。Jaguar Warriors are often used as honor guard by the greatest Orc chieftains and shamans.

兽人玩家可能会在杜隆塔尔首都奥格瑞玛尔城开始游戏。Likely, orc players will begin in the city of Orgrimmar, which is the capital of Durotar.

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在旅途中她遇见了一个想成为剑圣的年轻半兽人并同他共坠爱河。During her adventures she met and fell in love with a young Orc training to be a Blademaster.

在组队游戏中,心灵之火和兽人萨满祭司的嗜血术都是非常有用的。Inner Fire can be an alternative to Orc Shaman Bloodlust and especially useful in team games.

古尔丹的导师耐奥祖重新将残留的兽族氏族集结在他的旗帜下。Ner'zhul, the former mentor of Gul'dan, rallied the remaining orc clans under his dark banner.