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废品商。Junk dealer.

名字叫“商人丹”。It' s called Dealer Dan.

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一级交易商是什么?What is a primary dealer?

他是一名古董商。He is a dealer in antique.

我儿子是个二手䜰汽车商。My son, a used-car dealer.

我就把车卖给了一个商人。I've sold the car to a dealer.

狄克逊的父亲是汽车经纪人。Dixon's father is a car dealer.

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他对“商人丹”感兴趣。He is interested in Dealer Dan.

她与贩子讨价还价。She beat a bargain with a dealer.

任何用户都可以添加或查看一个经销商。Any user can add or view a dealer.

诚征各空缺地区经销商。Wanted vacant areas of the dealer.

我的一个朋友在巴黎做古董商。A friend is an antique dealer in Paris.

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第18副,东家发排,南北有局。Board 18. Dealer East. North-South vul.

但千万不要求助于贩毒者。Do not seek help from your drug dealer.

像那些俄国军火商?Like that Khashoggi-type arms dealer guy?

德里克,我要你了解“商人丹”地情况。Derek I want you to get hold of Dealer Dan.

订货会经销商培训如何更有效?Ordering dealer training to more effective?

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这家商店对付现金的人减价优惠。The dealer reduced the price for cash down.

酒商供应酒类给他的顾客。A wine dealer purveys wine to his customers.

德里克,我要你了解“商人丹”的情况。Derek, I want you to get hold of Dealer Dan.