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的确,这两个目标或许正在被人们忽略。Indeed the two aims may be beginning to elide.

这些思维习惯忽略了普通和正常之间的区别。These habits of thinking elide the difference between what is common and what is normal.

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实验结果表明了该方法简单易行,省去了复杂的手工试凑约简。The experiment shows that the methodissimpleand rapid and elide complex handwork reduction.

为了习惯这种用法,该文档中所有示例中的分号都将依据以上规则省略。To reflect idiomatic use, code examples in this document elide semicolons using these rules.

在平常的一天,你可以去解释一种关系的复杂性,或者简单地忽略他们。On an ordinary day, you can explain the complexities of a relationship, or simply elide them.

实验结果表明了该方法简单易行,省去了复杂的手工试凑约简。The experiment shows that the method is simple and rapid and can elide complex handwork reduction.

在这个单线程化的基准测试中,Hotspot可以非常安全地将锁省略掉。In the case of this single threaded benchmark, it is quite safe for Hotspot to safely elide the lock.

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而古典音乐则给了作曲家这样一个工具,在音乐的美妙与冲突之间,让他可以延长或压缩时间的感觉。Classical music, though, gives the composer the tools to extend or elide time in the service of beauty and irony.

但是以上这些解释都不能忽略的一个事实是,随着跨国公司的发展越来越依靠中国的国内市场,他们必然将与中国的公司进行竞争。But none of these explanations can elide the fact that as multinationals increasingly look to the Chinese domestic market for growth, they are competing with Chinese companies.

现在的问题是要让这些国家进入一个有进步作用的安理会,对待利比亚,英国、美国和法国不能再推脱用推翻政府来保护平民的责任。The challenge is to bind these powers into a progressive security council.Take Libya.Britain, America and France should never again elide the responsibility to protect populations with regime change.