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马克思的转形理论也只有在这三大前提下才能存在。It also regards only under the three premises can Marxian transformation theory exist.

马克思早期的意识形态思想在马克思思想发展中居有重要地位。The early Marxian ideology plays a significant role in the development of his thoughts.

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这就存在着如何把马克思抽象化的理论运用于活生生的现实的问题。And this induced the issue as how to use Marxian abstract theory in the animate reality.

党的先进性建设是马克思主义政党自身建设的根本任务。The party's advanced nature construction is the basic task of Marxian polity to be in self-build.

马克思主义学说在政治上的成功显然也使其他极端激进的团体野心复燃。The political success of the Marxian propaganda revived the aspirations of other militant groups.

价值转化为生产价格是马克思价值理论中的重要内容。Value transforming to the price of production is the important content of Marxian value theories.

对于马克思哲学自身规定性的研究应该以尊重经典作家自己的判断和论述为前提。We should respect the own judges of Marx and Engels when we study the identity of the Marxian philosophy.

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马克思对传统形而上学的批判是以对形而上学之世俗基础的揭示为出发点的。Marxian critique of traditional metaphysics roots in the exposition of the earthborn basis of metaphysics.

马克思主义者反对自由,这是那些“左派”或“进步派”的典型特征。This opposition to freedom, the Marxian attitude, is typical of those on the "left" or "progressive" side.

马克思社会理论中的和谐既是一个理想性目标,又是一个历史运动过程。The harmony in Marxian social theory is not only an idealistic aim, but also a course of historic movement.

在世界诗学呈文化走向的大背景下,弗雷德里克·詹姆逊建构了一种马克思主义文化诗学。Fredric Jameson constructs a Marxian poetics of culture, while the poetics is changing foward the culture study.

阿尔都塞认为,马克思的思想进程有一个从意识形态向马克思主义科学转换的“认识论上的断裂”。Althusser thinks that Marxian 's thought have a "epistemological rupture" from ideology to the science of Marxism.

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行家们知道森岛通夫在他的非马克思主义著作中多么巧妙的阐明和总结了这个令人高兴的结果。Connoisseurs know how neatly Morishima has enunciated and generalized this nice result in his non- Marxian writings.

陈独秀是否由一个激进的民主主义者转变为早期的马克思主义者,在学术界存在着不同的观点。There are different views, in the academia, on the issue of Chen Du-xiu to bea jacobinical democrat or an early Marxian.

马克思对惩罚正当性的怀疑,主要是基于对传统惩罚理论对惩罚正当性的证明的分析。Marxian suspicion of the justification of the punishment is based on his analysis of the traditional theories of punishment.

本文主要通过明确“生活”范畴的真义,从而确立马克思哲学的实质即是“生活哲学”。Based on clarifying the sense of the category "life", the paper establishes the nature of Marxian Philosophy-philosophy of life.

内容提要在传统剩余价值论的架构中,劳动与资本在价值创造中只存在零和关系。In Marxian theory of surplus value, there could only exist zero-sum relations between capital and labor in the creation of value.

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马克思的一般均衡理论没有取得西方一般均衡理论那样“严密”的形式,但它在内容上显然要比西方一般均衡理论深刻得多。Althouth Marxian general equilibrium theory has not obtained a strict form, it is deeper than the western general equilibrium in content.

但是马克思的学说之所以能受到欢迎,这类民族主义情感又恰恰发挥了不可忽视的作用。But among the factors that contributed to the adoption of the Marxian teachings these nationalistic sentiments played a not negligible role.

事实上,俞先生的认定是在“生存论”的本质特性基础之上的,马克思的“实践诠释学”也被限定在“生存”境域之内。Yu affiliates those all basis on the existential characteristic, Marxian practical hermeneutics is also set a limit to existential condition.