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这是极大的误解,其实教会崇拜节目中每一个部分都是敬拜的行动。This is a big misunderstanding.

不要产生误会。Let there be no misunderstanding.

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误解引起纠纷。Misunderstanding leads to disputes.

原来地久天长,只是误解一场。Old lang syne, but misunderstanding.

出于误解而产生的过度反应Overreaction Due to Misunderstanding

人们总是会对此产生误解。People are always misunderstanding this.

这是所有误解的源头。It is the source of all misunderstanding.

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所以我们都有一点误解。So we both got a slight misunderstanding.

这容易引起误会。This is liable to cause misunderstanding.

这场争吵起源于误解。The quarrel originated in a misunderstanding.

你对我产生误会。我并不奇怪。I'm not surprised at your misunderstanding me.

而过于敏感,就容易产生误会。The over-sensitive, prone to misunderstanding.

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错误理解ODC概念将导致偏差。Misunderstanding of ODC concepts leads to bias.

你的推卸是由一种误解造成的。Your disavowal is informed by a misunderstanding.

我觉得他们俩好像有些误会。There might be some misunderstanding between them.

我们极愿没有误解。We were anxious that there be no misunderstanding.

他想尽一切办法来澄清误会。He tried his best to clear up the misunderstanding.

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我们之间的误会涣然冰释。The misunderstanding between us has been cleared up.

他俩之间的争吵是由于误会而造成的。The quarrel between them rose from a misunderstanding.

这一切误会都是他在无意中造成的。He was the unknowing cause of all the misunderstanding.