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中国的工业化仍处于中期发展阶段。China's industrialisation is still at the mid-stage.

安德?瓦伦堡是瑞典工业化的融资者。Andr é Wallenberg was the financier of Sweden's industrialisation.

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中国处于工业化的进程之中,必须消耗大量钢铁。At China’s stage of industrialisation it should use a lot of steel.

中国的工业化进程和农业化进程在大踏步的推进。Chinas drive for industrialisation and urbanisation is gathering pace.

我们不能走西方国家工业化的老路。China cannot follow the traditional, Western path of industrialisation.

这个问题的答案是推动拉丁美洲的结构转变和工业化。The answer was to promote structural change and industrialisation in Latin America.

大规模的工业化正在造成这种过度累积。This massive overbuild is being fuelled by the colossal scale of industrialisation.

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但是,中国工业化和城市化的规模和幅度都是前所未有的。But the size and scale of industrialisation and urbanisation in China are unprecedented.

和设备工业化处沟通,制定设计方案的加工进度。Communicate with dept. of "Equipment Industrialisation" to plan the manufacture schedule.

接下来,历经了五零年代的工业化,生产量明显增加。After that came the industrialisation of the Fifties with a remarkable production increase.

论文指出,工业化的开始和不断增长的温室气体排放是造成这种趋势的原因。It points to the onset of industrialisation and rising greenhouse gas emissions as the cause of the trend.

我们需要乘工业化的发展把气温上升趋势做得稳扎稳打,但是这些倒霉蛋有的却打起了自己的小九九。We needed to show a steady rise as industrialisation proceeded, but some of these unfortunates had other ideas.

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本文对解草啶的合成、分析进行了详细的研究,并经中试进行了工业化生产。In the paper, synthesis and analysis of fenclorin is discussed and researched , and so is the industrialisation.

中国正处在工业化和城镇化加速上升阶段,投资、消费需求旺盛。China is in a fast process of industrialisation and urbanisation, with huge demand for investment and consumption.

第一,中国印度的工业化是帮助还是妨碍它的经济发展。The first is whether the industrialisation of China and India is helping or hindering its own economic development.

跨国家的产业化程序已经变得比“雁行”模式复杂得多。The process of industrialisation across economies has become much more complex than the “flying geese” progression.

中国的供应问题仍将持续,因随着工业化,原本用于种植作物的土地分散作他用.Supply issues will continue in China due to a diversion of land use away from crops as a result of industrialisation.

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工业化是现代化的前提和基础,是人类社会发展的必经阶段。Industrialisation is the foundation of modernization , is the necessary stage of the development of the human society.

所以,中国的再平衡标志着,基于工业化的高速增长时代开始终结。So, China's re-balancing also marks the beginning of the end of a period of rapid growth that is based on industrialisation.

他说,随着工业化扩张蚕食到农村的土地,中国政府将停止退耕还林计划。With industrialisation eating into the countryside, he said the government would halt plans to restore arable land to nature.