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双鱼座是水相星座。Pisces is a watery sign.

天蝎座是水相星座。Scorpio is a watery sign.

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轻柔地合上你的似水双眸。Shut softly your watery eyes.

疲惫、发痒、干涩或流眼泪Tired, itchy, dry or watery eyes

水汪汪的一对眼睛,那么明亮。A pair of watery eyes, so bright.

水汪汪的眼睛像两颗玻璃珠。Watery eyes like two glass beads.

她纯洁的心胸水灵灵地透明。Pure-bosom'd as that watery glass.

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如今我们的周围水原四布Now round us spreads the watery plain –

她一头栽进淡淡的蓝色水面。The little star sunk in the watery blue.

蓝色的卫生间与水相衬恰如其分。Blue bath rooms are appropriately watery.

因为烟熏,她的双眼变得泪汪汪的。Her eyes became watery because of the smoke.

细胞就是个水囊。"Cells are just watery sacs," says Niklason.

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过了一会,他抬起水汪汪的眼睛,看着大家。After a moment he looked up with watery eyes.

他得意洋洋地转动着水汪汪的斗鸡眼。His watery crossed eyes rolled in exaltation.

细胞就是个水囊。"Cells are just watery sacs, " says Niklason.

而此时的我,已是满眼水汪汪的泪水。And at this time I have a eyeful watery tears.

这个海岛向外延伸,四周环水。The island was surrounded by watery expansions.

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他就是厌倦!——他的眼睛仿佛被泪水弄湿。He is Ennui! — His eye watery as though with tears.

隐孢子虫病会引起大量的水样便。Cryptosporidiosis produces a copious watery diarrhea.

密度高的冰,潮湿并且混合气泡。Very dense ice with a watery hue and few air bubbles.