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就算我是个怀疑论者好了。Yet count me a skeptic.

我更是一个怀疑论者。I am much more of a skeptic.

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当我们首次使用这种装备时,我还有些怀疑。When we first got the gear, I was a skeptic.

选择一个“官方代表”宣传你的思想。Choose an "official skeptic" to sharpen your thinking.

我宁可相信祂,而不相信任何怀疑论者。And I would rather believe in Him than any doubter or skeptic.

最初,我对许多较高层的内容都心存疑虑。Originally, I was a skeptic on much of the higher-level stuff.

格雷汉姆一开始也是一个怀疑者但很快就转变了看法。Graham started off as a real skeptic but quickly turned around.

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她满眼狐疑地看着我,然后摇了摇头。She looked at me with the eyes of a skeptic and shook her head.

首先得承认,我曾经是一个远程教育的怀疑派。I will be the first to admit I was a distance education skeptic.

而对于君主论者,他又是个危险地怀疑分子和自由思想家。And to the monarchists, he was a dangerous skeptic and free thinker.

弗雷特斯研究公司的无线产品分析师查尔斯.戈尔万,是个怀疑论者。Charles Golvin, a wireless analyst at Forrester Research, is a skeptic.

他是一个怀疑者和洞察者,而并不声称他的解释世界。He is a perspicacious skeptic who makes no claim to be able to explain the world.

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一到淡季那个苗条的怀疑者就逃学,这表现了她的懒散。The slender skeptic skips school in slack seasons, which signifies her slackness.

正如我的双重诊断病人一样,我经常冲动地就成了一个怀疑论者。As with my dual diagnosis patients, I’m often quick to play the diagnostic skeptic.

艾米丽的母亲琳达·罗莎,她是公认的长期以来对实践持怀疑态度的。Emily's mother, Linda Rosa, acknowledged that she is a longtime skeptic of the practice.

为了避免这样的错误,佩珀堡以一个固执的怀疑论者的认真来设计实验。To avoid such pitfalls, Pepperberg designs experiments with the care of a hard-nosed skeptic.

他有着让你惭愧的信仰,用事实的力量来说服相信者和怀疑者。He has an almost embarrassing faith in the power of facts to persuade both believer and skeptic.

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保罗·奥赫维克是迈阿密大学负责注册的关于,他承认,“我曾经心存疑虑。Paul Orehovec, an enrollment officer for the University of Miami, admits, "I was somewhat of a skeptic.

他反对超弦理论,因为这个理论缺乏实验可以证明的预测。Glashow is a notable skeptic of superstring theory due to its lack of experimentally testable predictions.

他是一个对超弦理论持反对意见的人,因为这个理论的缺乏实验可以证明的预测。Glashow wis a notable skeptic of superstring theory due to its lack of experimentally testable predictions.