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她是一个有钱的女人。She is a moneyed woman.

她是一个有钱的女人。Eg. She is a moneyed woman.

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有钱的精英们在捍卫他们的利益时决不会坐以待毙。Moneyed elites are no slouches when it comes to defending their interests.

这就是有钱人的许多好处之一。Nothing is ruffled. This is one of many advantages of mixing with the moneyed.

它提供了有钱的世界级的娱乐和豪华的购物体验。It offers world class entertainment and luxury shopping experiences for the moneyed.

这也是富裕阶层热衷赴美接受高等教育的常见理由之一。Among the moneyed classes, this is often cited as one reason to pursue higher studies in the U.S.

举个例子来说,梅赛德斯奔驰在世界大部分地区都象征着富裕的体面人士。Take, for example, Mercedes-Benz, a brand that in much of the world suggests moneyed respectability.

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农民和金钱利益,劳资双方之间的战争是长期而是残酷的。The battles between farmers and the moneyed interests, capital and labor, were long and often violent.

这类享受细节化奢侈的人群难道不和在费里兹购买艺术游艇的俄罗斯财富精英们属于同一个类型吗?Isn't it more like a trivial luxury for the same fabled Russian moneyed elite who buy their art yachts at Frieze?

尤其是在那些大专院校学位只能由有钱的精英分子获得的国家里。This is especially the case in nations where college and university degrees can be obtained only by a moneyed elite.

曾经在兴旺繁荣的80年代是东京有钱人最爱的威士忌,如今的销量已经降至顶峰时期的五分之一。Sales of whiskey, the favorite drink among moneyed Tokyoites in the booming 80s, have fallen to a fifth of their peak.

女士们都参与了一场婚纱秀活动,并一展她们的歌喉与舞姿。在才艺展示环节,她们甚至还为彼此门当户对的征婚者们展示厨艺。Ladies took part in a wedding gown show and also sang, danced, even cooked for their moneyed suitors during a talent program.

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在过去的十年里,极端的忠诚和警惕的獒的品质已吸引了有钱阶层的注意。In the past decade, the mastiff's qualities of extreme loyalty and vigilance have been attracting the attention of the moneyed class.

然而,在许多关于现代上海的报道中,恒隆广场却似乎是成功的徽章,一块吸引着不断崛起的年轻富有一代的磁石。However, Plaza 66 consistently appears in accounts of modern Shanghai as a badge of success, a magnet for the rising young, moneyed generation.

如果说高盛集团带着一股充满铜臭的嚣张气焰,麦肯锡公司则让人感到一种智识的傲慢——后者引发粗俗反应的能力跟前者不分伯仲。If Goldman reeks of moneyed arrogance, McKinsey reeks of intellectual arrogance—the latter capable of producing just as visceral a response as the former.

中国有关部门以往历来不太喜欢电视节目讲述有钱人──甚至包括那些渴望赚钱的人──的生活。In the past, TV shows that shed a light on the moneyed classes ─ or even those who aspire to it ─ haven't been looked upon favorably by Chinese authorities.

她游北京的有钱的年轻成员的中国超级俱乐部并加入护航的“自驾游”度假旅行到神圣的泰山。She cruises Beijing with the moneyed young members of the China Supercar club and joins a convoy of "self-drive" holiday makers on a trip to sacred Mount Tai.

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"不管是华盛顿的金融界人士还是纽约的,他们都不鼓励进行那样的改变,"布拉德利在路透纽约全球交易所和交易精英汇上称."There is no incentive from the moneyed interests in either Washington or New York to change it," Bradley told the Reuters Global Exchanges and Trading Summit in New York.

很快,摄影就不再是专业人士和有钱购买那些笨重设备的摄影爱好者的专利,普通人也开始用相机拍摄自己的世界了。Soon, photography escaped the exclusive grasp of the professionals and moneyed hobbyists who could afford its cumbersome equipment, and the public began to take its own pictures.

中产和上层阶级通常才有机会生活在城市里,过去十年间,顶层精英人士生活的平壤,越来越有钱的中产阶级开始出现。The middle and upper classes are usually granted the chance to live in cities the most elite being Pyongyang where an increasingly moneyed middle class has emerged over the past decade.