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试著混一点点猫薄荷在食物中。Try mixing a tiny bit of catnip with the food.

象非洲蜜蜂的蜂蜜和鲜樟脑草酱这样给人带来新奇味觉的事物。Such gustatory exotica as killer bee honey and fresh catnip sauce.

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目的探讨荆芥炭的最佳炮制程度。OBJECTIVE Study on the best processing degree of carbonized catnip.

猫草可以证明是一个与你的猫一些共性问题的非常有用的工具。Catnip can prove to be a very useful tool for a few common problems with your cat.

在室内丢球或用逗猫玩具逗它们玩,对你或对猫儿来说都是很好的运动。Throwing a ball or catnip toy around a room and fetching it is good for both of you.

然后,猫已经被证明是有效的情况下胃肠不适。Then, catnip has been proven to be effective in cases of gastrointestinal discomfort.

许多用途中都已经发现了猫,你会发现其中的一些使用这里。Many uses have been found for catnip , and you will discover a few of those uses here.

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如果您选择你的猫草种植户,要小心保持遥不可及的猫咪。If you choose to grow your Catnip indoors, be careful to keep it out of reach of kitty.

当猫奴将我猫薄荷玩具拿走时,我不会用臭袜子,藏内裤,或者卷毛剂来泡茶。Socks, dirty panties or hair scrunches when my humans take the catnip toy away from me.

这就是为什麽你能找到猫草的瓶子或喷雾形式的一些宠物商店。This is the reason you are able to find Catnip in a bottle or spray form in some pet stores.

今天我在屋里摆了一大堆猫薄荷好让新来的猫咪们别到处乱躲。Today, I put out a ton of catnip for my new cats, hoping it would finally lure them out of hiding.

结果荆芥炒炭后鞣质含量增高,止血和凝血作用显著增强。RESULTS Carbonized catnip had higher content of tannin, and reinforced hemostasia and cruor effects.

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植物蚊子震慑植物周围院子贵如香茅,金盏花,罗勒,薰衣草,和猫。Plant mosquito deterring plants around your yard such as citronella, marigolds, basil, lavender, and catnip.

尽管如此,对于那些喜欢克服种种困难的工程师们来说,这些问题都将被一一解决掉。Still, these obstacles are like catnip to engineers, who love to go over every potential difficulty in order to solve it.

我们也是在向您的孩子销售。这就是我们为什么将彩伞样的颗粒食品和其他的小山羊猫薄荷放在他们眼睛能看到的范围内的原因。We're marketing to your kids too. That's why we put the rainbow-colored cereals and other kiddie catnip at their eye level.

最近的实验与猫和蟑螂横行的结论是,这是一种有效的驱避这类昆虫以及。Recent experiments with catnip and cockroach infestations concluded that it is an effective repellent for this type of insect as well.

如果是后者的话,那麽这是一个体面的数量和运动有助于保持你的猫多一点苗条比没有猫草治疗。If the latter is the case, then this is a decent amount of exercise and will help keep your cat a little more svelte than without a Catnip treatment.

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方法对不同炮制程度的荆芥炭的性状、鞣质的含量、止血作用、凝血作用进行比较。METHODS Make a comparison of properties, content of tannin, hemostasia effect, and cruor effect between different processing grade carbonized catnip.