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根据现有立法,政府或疫苗生产企业是该责任的赔偿主体。Department of government and producer of vaccines are liable legislatively.

想也是白想,奥巴马的就业议案现在还生死未卜呢。No chance of that as President Obama's jobs bill now seems DOA legislatively.

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由此,始信利益集团干扰立法之说并非虚妄。From this, only then interference of letter interest group says legislatively to be not unfounded.

我将寻求从立法上禁止签署不论业绩好坏都要求大笔离职补偿金的雇用合同。I'd legislatively ban employment contracts that call for huge severance payments without regard to performance.

法人犯罪在当今世界已被越来越多的国家予以立法肯定。Crimes committed by a corporation have been legislatively established by more and more nations across the world.

从犯罪形态来看,“杀害被绑架人”的立法属于包容加重犯。The criminal pattern kidnapping and killing the kidnapped person is contained and aggravated crime legislatively.

随着我国民事司法制度改革的不断深化,在立法上确立自认制度势在必行。With the deepening reform of judicature in our county, it is essential to set up the system of admission legislatively.

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随着我国民事司法制度改革的不断深化,在立法上确立自认制度势在必行。With the deepening reform of judicature in our country, it is essential to set up the system of admission legislatively.

同时,为了更加明确这一标准,在立法上应当列举不予保护的作品名称。Moreover, in order to define the standard more clearly, the names of works that are not protected should be listed legislatively.

由于受到各种因素的制约,特别是由于我国传统法律文化的影响,中国目前仍然没有从立法上确立这项制度。China has not set up this institution legislatively due to many factors especially the influence of Chinese traditional legal culture.

确认生父之诉是典型的身份关系诉讼,多数国家在立法上将其确立为一种独立的诉讼类型。A paternity suit is a typical case of identity relation, and most countries establish legislatively it as an independent cause of action.

最高额抵押制度,对于促进融资和继续交易的发生具有重要意义,已为各国立法、学说和判例普遍承认。It is legally and legislatively recognized that the maximal mortgage system plays an important role in promoting financing and further trade.

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以立法为基础的档案体系在新加坡和澳大利亚等国都得到了改进,香港常常参考这些国家的政策。Legislatively grounded records systems have been refined in countries such as Singapore and Australia, where Hong Kong routinely seeks policy ideas.

此外,公共板块有更公开和更严格的价值体系,这些价值体系强调以立法为基础的道德行为准则。In addition, the public sector typically has more explicit and stringent value systems that emphasize legislatively based notions of ethics and codes of conduct.

中国在立法上对毒品犯罪从严惩处,是现实禁毒斗争的需要,表明了中国严厉禁毒的立场。The fact that China legislatively punishes drug- connected crimes with severity is required by the reality of the anti-drug struggle, and shows China's stand for strict drug control.

宽严相济是新的历史时期我国基本的刑事政策,刑罚轻缓则是宽严相济刑事政策的核心。It is the realized key legislatively about the light and slow penalty that reduces death penalty charge, perfects the structure of penalty and processes non-crime to the non-victim crime.

我国刑事诉讼的“印证证明模式”下的自由心证以追求案件真相为价值取向,立法制定了较高的证明标准。In China, the discretional evaluation of evidence under the verification mode in the criminal procedure values the case truth and it legislatively features relatively high standards of proof.

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我国建立医患纠纷仲裁机制具有可行性,国家应该根据医患纠纷仲裁机制的特点和优势,从立法层面完善这项重大的制度。Regarding the feasibility to establish the arbitration mechanism in China, our government should legislatively perfect this important mechanism on the basis of its specialties and advantages.

在发展职业体育运动过程中,我国应当通过立法明确职业体育运动的反垄断政策,有效规范职业体育运动团体的行为。During the development of professional sports, the anti-monopoly law of professional sports should be defined legislatively , and the behaviors of the professional sports leagues should be regulated.

兰在波斯坎的儿童之家协会工作过一段短时间,直到她意识到她并不希望在着眼于鸡毛蒜皮而更希望从根本的立法上作出更大贡献。For a short time she worked at the Children's Home Society in Spokane, Wash., until she realized that she did not enjoy working for an institution but rather preferred to effect change legislatively.